Up from the grave HE Arose! With a mighty triumph over HIS foes!
I want my Inheritance Returned, Please.
Really, I don't think Yahusha liked missing the first Passover himself and becoming defiled with the dead so he ate of the fish with the disciples, again, while he was here for the 40 days when HE AROSE
I think there was like 600 people that bore witness that

![]() | For the king had taken counsel, and his princes, and all the congregation in Jerusalem, to keep the passover in the secondmonth. |
![]() | Then they killed the passover on the fourteenth [day] of thesecond month: and the priests and the Levites were ashamed, and sanctified themselves, and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD. |
Yahusha quietly stopped them from dying.
Shanna died laughing at haYah.
The Cherokee Indians had a vision of YAHUAH [HaYaH]
riding through the clouds in a canoe with HIS lil dog with HIM
when the white man arrived here in America.
I pray they have a deeper understanding of that prophecy.
Torah Parsha 26
Shmini 9:1-11:47
Haftarah Schmuel Bet 6:1-7:17
Brit Chadasha Moshe-Markus 7:1-23
April 3, 2010
28 March 10 Parashat Hashavuah
Yom Rishon Shel
Pesach יום ראשון של פסח / First Day of Passover
Torah : Exodus 12:21-51
Maftir : Numbers 28:16-25
Haftarah : Joshua 3:5-7; 5:2-6:1; 6:27
An excerpt from Torah Club Volume One
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Thought for the Week
"Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, but on the first day you
shall remove leaven from your houses; for whoever eats anything
leavened from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be
cut off from Israel."
(Exodus 12:15)
The sacrifice of the Passover lambs in Egypt was like training for the
Israelites. It prepared the children of Israel to better appreciate the
Temple rituals that YHUH would teach them later. It prepared them to
understand the efficacy of Yeshua's suffering and death. If you have
ever trained for an athletic event, you know that going through the
exercise one time is not sufficient. Real training requires regular
The L-RD instituted a regimen of repetition by commanding the
Israelites to commemorate the Passover sacrifice every year. He
commanded them to annually sacrifice a lamb in remembrance of the lambs
they sacrificed in Egypt. The blood of that lamb was no longer to be
applied to their doorposts--instead it was applied to the altar in
YAHUAHs Temple in Yerush'lem.--
1 So long as the Temple in Jerusalem was still standing, the Jewish
people brought sacrificial lambs to YAHUAH's altar on the anniversary
of the day their ancestors sacrificed the lambs in Egypt. Today, lamb
is not served at Passover because sacrifices cannot be made without a
2 However, the other ritual foods are still eaten at the Passover meal.
YHUH commanded the Israelites to eat the lambs with bitter herbs and
unleavened bread in memory of the meal in Egypt.
The annual meal of lamb and bitter herbs was called the Passover seder.
In the days of the apostles, the whole family reclined at the table to
celebrate Passover and eat the ritual foods while they passed the story
of their salvation to the next generation. The roasted lamb reminded
the Jewish people of the Passover sacrifice in Egypt.
The unleavened bread reminded the Jewish people that their ancestors
had left Egypt in such haste that they did not have time to allow their
bread to rise before baking it. The bitter herbs and the practice of
dipping unleavened bread in sop reminded the Jewish people of the
bitter lives their ancestors endured in Egypt.
In those days, the noblemen all reclined when eating while
their slaves ate standing, ready to serve them. In the days of the
apostles, the participants in the Passover Seder reclined at the table
to remind themselves that, thanks to Passover, they were now freemen
and no longer slaves.
The Passover meal initiates an annual seven-day festival called the
Feast of Unleavened Bread. Throughout the seven days of the festival,
leavened grain products are completely forbidden.
Instead YAHUAH the Almighty commands us to eat unleavened
bread throughout the seven days. The Hebrew word for unleavened bread
is matzah (מצה). The first and last days of the festival are special
holiday Sabbaths. The entire seven-day festival is called Hag HaMatzah
(המצה הג), which means "The Festival of Unleavened Bread."
1. Deuteronomy 12:26-27; 16:5-6.
2. Leviticus 17:8-9. See Torah Club Volume Five on Exodus 12:3-12.
My Current calculations are based on the New Moons and the Sunrises and Sunsets in Jerusalem The spring Equinox didn't fall on March 21 but on March 17th this year. Generally I agree with the Karaites about the sightings of the New Moons, but I like the following groups on Yahusha Reigns New Moon page best.
I like people that are sincere.
Yahusha didn't give us the Pesach to punish people with for no
observing, really! Yahusha told the disciples for I am going to a place
that you cannot go...he went on a journey to prepare a place for us.
People got cast away for becoming ceremonially unclean and not being
obedient about the way they were to observe Passover. I don't think HE
wanted that to really happen to anyone.
We have a pdf on the Days of Hezekiah that you may peruse and get back to me if you would like to participate in the study, you are more than welcome and may join in the discussion in the Yahusha Talmid group in the Yahusha Reigns community room.
I got into observing the New Moon with YAIY in MO before Jim Myers gave Paleotimes.org to his son. It's been interesting to watch people open doors to understanding like YRM.org and eliyah.com as well.
Observing the New Moon is a statue. Lew White is another who has a deep understanding of the lunar calendars and has wrote a book called Inthe Twinkling Of an Eye which has sold out and he has revised into TheReturn of Yahusha.
I have learned a lot about Constantine who started the Roman calendars
and basically feel that it was ha Satan's way of trying to rebuild
Rome. Today, the world has gotten mapped out which is in itself a sign
of the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.
People take a lot for granted. I just like to remind them who their
creator is and that they should remember to call on Abba Father
sometimes because really HE understands each and every one of use in
our own special ways and HE is there to care about everyone, too.
The Second Passover isn't a commandment that one has to observe for the second time; it is a cordial offer that if for some unknown reason that one couldn't observe the first passover then they have the second one to fall on as a backup; for instance if one is on a journey or defiled by a the death of someone then the priest is obligated to permitted them to partake of the second passover a month later.
Once again ,it is a Great and compassionate Elohim that we serve. may Yahusha bless you infinite understanding of HIS time an HIS ways which give us the days of our lives.
We are all just strangers in this world traveling on a journey in this life. No-one on earth is promised a tomorrow. We are blessed each and every day to see the sunrise and the sunset.
Remember that; for each day well lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope. Yahusha said not to let bring HIS name to naught.
We are not to practice divinations either, like giving astrological forecasts ie for personality types by the stars. I don't like to stereotype anyone. I think people get intrigued because one can map the stars but the stars don't map people, you know. hee
We are not to put the sun or the moon or another el [idolizing a man] before HIM, either.
Job speaks of Orion. Learn the patterns of the constellations. The constellation of Orion is that of Orion's belt and then he has this little dog with him which is the "Dog Star Cirrus".
Orion killed Medusa for committing adultery and that is the story behind the name of the constellation as he travels across the sky with her head chopped off with His dog with him. Kinda satirical, too, when compared to the faith that comes from the dog's in the pulpits.
Anyway, Cirrus is the second brightest star in the Milky Way and can be seen to rise on the horizon in early spring in conjunction with the equinoxes.
The constellations travel across the sky from East to West. You may only see the constellation of Orion from Spring to Autumn. Because you can sight the Star Cirrus during those months from it's rise in the East in Spring until it sets in the West in Autumn are called "Dog Days". If you would like to confirm that, feel free to go to an observatory if you would like more info.
All of the constellations travel across the sky from East to West. The moons are for months and you may be able to learn to recognize the times and positions for the months by the New Moons, wherever you are. Plant crops, too.
I give thanks to the Great Spirit HaYah for being our faithful, kind and compassionate benefactor.Praise HaYah for HE has blessed the Cherokee Nation here in NC and E TN with rain each and every New Moon. I would go to them if I were you. You have drinking water because they worship YHYH. Blue skies and clean air in the Smokies, too. That's what makes them blue, too! Praise Yah! HalleuYahuah! Thank you HaYah!
Everyone is unique. I think Yahuah had a reason for becoming a body of snow, don' you? Perhaps that is the Bride, you know! Here's a link if you want to do searches with e-sword.net
NO#1 Reason for Observing the New Moons? It is a Great and Awesome Yahuah that we serve. And if we are faithful to HIM he will bless.
May Abba Forgive! I confess that I prayed for no rain in Israel. What's wrong with being a Zionest Jew? Yisrael is having a famine, right now.
Please, pray for the peace of Yerush'lem. I just wish they didn't call on Ba'al.
HalleuYah! Praise HaYah! I prayed for my family to repent for not calling on ha Shem and HE put a road through Springdale, dried up the Springs on my Uncle Bloof's farm that Mallicoat's and Danny inherited.
I prayed for my family to repent for wanting their tobacco and Yahuah sent a tornado that took my Uncle Bloof's Tobacco barn and one itty bitty plum tree out of all the fruit trees in the back yard by the beehives that I gave of his inheritance to my younger brother Jim, who had just began using tobacco. [Bob, Marge and my Sis Elizabeth, her hub Jerry and Tom Ed's wife, Sandy smoke, too] TN is awful hard on justice to me! My Sister can't talk now, her throat is too numb and she doesn't hear good anymore. My Brother Bob had to have brain surgery for being so dumb. Marge got sugar diabetes because of HIS wrath against the injustice for HIM.
HallleuYah HaYah! I prayed for Yahweh to clean up downtown Knoxville and Market Square and to make Lay's 3 little pigs plant to close down here n Knoxville because I was angry with my family for supporting them; if Yahuah could take the pigs out of Yisrael then he could here, as well. He answered that prayer, too.
Those are just a few.
I prayed for the cataract to heal that the Bpt Eye Institute's Ophthalmologist Dr. Bizer's sent me too said had started in one of my eyes. I returned for my check-up, again, 2 years later, and when I went to The Knoxville Ctr Dr. Bizer's clinic this spring for my exam (2/2010), the Optometrist, Dr. Chadwell said that I had used the right approach using nutrition to heal my eyes and that the macular degeneration had stopped and he didn't see a cataract anymore. Praise Yah! HalleuYahuah!!! Thank you, Yahusha, for healing me by giving me knowledge and discretion and helping me keep your clean food laws!
Not meaning to change the subject, but Jackson, TN had a Tornadoe on Ash Wednesday not a coupla years long ago and Goins Chapel where Essie Rose-Lane lives got hit with a tornado, too.
You all have another chance this year to observe Pesach. Please, do so.
Give me some feedback, please. I treasure others opinions. They are priceless. We are all eating from The Master's Table.