I Praise Yahusha for HIS Healing.
I Praise Yahuah that HE really has blessed.
I praise Yahusha for HIS Mercy and Kindness everlasting!
Equation for Drinking Water
Body Weight divided by 10.
1 cup for every 10 lbs.
Fruit is the best source.

I praise Yahusha for HIS Blessings!
I like lemon/lime water, also.
I like lemon/lime water, also.
When I weighted about 80 lbs as a kid, I was told to drink 8 glasses of liquid a day, and it did not necessarily have to be water.
Guzzling cokes and caffeine from coffee etc. dehydrates.
I have suffered with all the symptoms of dehydration, too.
Dehydration hurts and so does no Oxygen and No H2O; Leg Pain , body numbness, skin dryness, brittle hair, visual disturbances. I can empathize with the stories of the person that healed drinking salt water in this video.
I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia - borderline diabetes, cataracts, hypothyroidism. Doctors exams prognosis for pain: Pancreatic Cancer, blindness. I increased nutritional values of food ingesting more fresh green leafy veggies, yellow fruit and veggies; vitamin A, E, C, B vitamins, zinc, niacin, etc.Fish, Kelp, Iodized salt restored thyroid function properly, too. Grapeseed oil and extracts, Apricot pits, as well as myrrh, Yucca and Sweet potatoes. And the list goes on.
You cannot both Bless and Curse. No one can serve two masters. Either you choose to be a blessing to Yahusha or you choose to be accursed.
Accursed was HE that hung on a tree.
I am thankful that Yahusha hung there, and bled and died for me.
Anyway, this spring the doctor freed me from all my medication.
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Water Bottles