Shauvot has Come and Gone!
Yahuah's Separates the Wheat from the Chaff!
Allah Crop Circles for this Month !!
All Aboard for Yahusha's ship to TsiYon!
I have always admired the Cherokee for calling on HAYAH! I used to say that I was related to Ponchontas because my Great Grandmother was an Indian. I could identify with the Cherokee's Trail of Tears which is what I have, today. It isn't right the way they do the Indians.
The Indians hadn't ever scalped anyone until they were shown by the white settlers. The settlers raped the land; they burned the villages, stole the horses, raided the crops, raped the women and molested children.
The tetragrammation יהושע
http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H3444&t=KJV ?
Personally, I have the utmost of respect for Brother White, "el" http://www.fossilizedcustoms.com/HRVS.html I, also, purchased the Scriptures and it was the tetragrammation יהושע of Yahusha that gave me el understanding Ha Shem.
Brother Ziegler did a study on that and the Strong's H 3467 the "el" "sha"means "deliverer" H 3467 http://www.yrm.org/strongs.htm and the "shua" to scream or cry out
I also did a study on the Letter" W" http://religiousebooks.blogspot.com/2010/02/letter-u.html
Maybe this one is better??
I can trace my family roots to the revolution and I am an Irish Italian English Cherokee child of the King. My Papaw was Anti-baptist Rev. Joe Laughner so that makes me a Jackson White Dalton Irish Coffey Italian Cope Mc Donalds Irish Mallicoat Leffew English Johnson First Fur Traders in America that dealt with Lewis and Clarke. Dalton, GA was the King George's son. My Uncle Bloof's Great-Great-Grandmother was a whore to the King and had three sons that came to America. The Cherokee resided in Chattanooga, too, SequoYah nation. Papaw taught the Rapture, as well.
The last thing my Uncle Paris told me before he died is that we were Cheyenne. Of course, his name was Paris and he named his kids Francis and Wayne and my Grandmother's name Orleana Jane so it could have been hypothetical because the Cheyenne nation was conquered and sold during the French invasion at New Orleans; Anything is possible, my Aunt once said that we may be Cherokee, once again a geographic assumption.
Uncle Paris found blackgold in the '70's. The law wanted it so he was talked into running for the Democratic House of Representatives. He said Papaw was a Democrat and Mamaw was Republic so vote for Him cause HE was the better person. My Mamaw disagreed with the way that Hiawatha sold out the Indian nations for $.50 an acre the year that my Dad was born in 1902. Papaw was given sheep and stood in for the Judges sometimes, just like a Magistrate. Paris was the youngest boy in a family of eight. He Won, too! Mud slinger, tho.
I do know there were two Cope boy that married two Indian maidens though. Jane Coffey was the name of a ship from Ireland that came over at the beginning of the settlements in America. I was raised by my Aunt Elizabeth Jane Dalton.