Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
ALLAH or Not?

Shauvot has Come and Gone!
Yahuah's Separates the Wheat from the Chaff!
Allah Crop Circles for this Month !!
All Aboard for Yahusha's ship to TsiYon!
I have always admired the Cherokee for calling on HAYAH! I used to say that I was related to Ponchontas because my Great Grandmother was an Indian. I could identify with the Cherokee's Trail of Tears which is what I have, today. It isn't right the way they do the Indians.
The Indians hadn't ever scalped anyone until they were shown by the white settlers. The settlers raped the land; they burned the villages, stole the horses, raided the crops, raped the women and molested children.
The tetragrammation יהושע ?
Personally, I have the utmost of respect for Brother White, "el" I, also, purchased the Scriptures and it was the tetragrammation יהושע of Yahusha that gave me el understanding Ha Shem.
Brother Ziegler did a study on that and the Strong's H 3467 the "el" "sha"means "deliverer" H 3467 and the "shua" to scream or cry out
I also did a study on the Letter" W"
Maybe this one is better??
I can trace my family roots to the revolution and I am an Irish Italian English Cherokee child of the King. My Papaw was Anti-baptist Rev. Joe Laughner so that makes me a Jackson White Dalton Irish Coffey Italian Cope Mc Donalds Irish Mallicoat Leffew English Johnson First Fur Traders in America that dealt with Lewis and Clarke. Dalton, GA was the King George's son. My Uncle Bloof's Great-Great-Grandmother was a whore to the King and had three sons that came to America. The Cherokee resided in Chattanooga, too, SequoYah nation. Papaw taught the Rapture, as well.
The last thing my Uncle Paris told me before he died is that we were Cheyenne. Of course, his name was Paris and he named his kids Francis and Wayne and my Grandmother's name Orleana Jane so it could have been hypothetical because the Cheyenne nation was conquered and sold during the French invasion at New Orleans; Anything is possible, my Aunt once said that we may be Cherokee, once again a geographic assumption.
Uncle Paris found blackgold in the '70's. The law wanted it so he was talked into running for the Democratic House of Representatives. He said Papaw was a Democrat and Mamaw was Republic so vote for Him cause HE was the better person. My Mamaw disagreed with the way that Hiawatha sold out the Indian nations for $.50 an acre the year that my Dad was born in 1902. Papaw was given sheep and stood in for the Judges sometimes, just like a Magistrate. Paris was the youngest boy in a family of eight. He Won, too! Mud slinger, tho.
I do know there were two Cope boy that married two Indian maidens though. Jane Coffey was the name of a ship from Ireland that came over at the beginning of the settlements in America. I was raised by my Aunt Elizabeth Jane Dalton.
Racism isn't right no matter what day it is!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Water Cure! Must See!

I Praise Yahusha for HIS Healing.
I Praise Yahuah that HE really has blessed.
I praise Yahusha for HIS Mercy and Kindness everlasting!
Equation for Drinking Water
Body Weight divided by 10.
1 cup for every 10 lbs.
Fruit is the best source.

I praise Yahusha for HIS Blessings!
I like lemon/lime water, also.
I like lemon/lime water, also.
When I weighted about 80 lbs as a kid, I was told to drink 8 glasses of liquid a day, and it did not necessarily have to be water.
Guzzling cokes and caffeine from coffee etc. dehydrates.
I have suffered with all the symptoms of dehydration, too.
Dehydration hurts and so does no Oxygen and No H2O; Leg Pain , body numbness, skin dryness, brittle hair, visual disturbances. I can empathize with the stories of the person that healed drinking salt water in this video.
I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia - borderline diabetes, cataracts, hypothyroidism. Doctors exams prognosis for pain: Pancreatic Cancer, blindness. I increased nutritional values of food ingesting more fresh green leafy veggies, yellow fruit and veggies; vitamin A, E, C, B vitamins, zinc, niacin, etc.Fish, Kelp, Iodized salt restored thyroid function properly, too. Grapeseed oil and extracts, Apricot pits, as well as myrrh, Yucca and Sweet potatoes. And the list goes on.
You cannot both Bless and Curse. No one can serve two masters. Either you choose to be a blessing to Yahusha or you choose to be accursed.
Accursed was HE that hung on a tree.
I am thankful that Yahusha hung there, and bled and died for me.
Anyway, this spring the doctor freed me from all my medication.!/notes/brian-asriel-newman/drinking-living-water-
Kosher Links
Water Bottles
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Study on Ha shem Yahusha

Do We Use Shua or Sha?
There is a major problem with any of the shua endings of the Savior’s Name. Shua (H-7768) is a feminine passive term that means to scream or cry out for help. Although many feel that shua somehow means salvation; it actually means someone is wailing to be saved or delivered. Sha is the primary root of Yasha (H-3467), and is the masculine form of shua. Sha means to make free, deliverer or Savior. This is a crucial point that we must understand when transliterating the Name of YAHUSHA. If we take the word YAH and combine it with shua, we are saying that “YAHUAH is crying out!” We are the shua! We are weak individuals who need sha (a Savior).YAHUSHA literally means “YAH is my Savior!!” Furthermore, the Jews have taken the word shua (H-7768): and created the word sheva (H-7723 and 7724). The sheva system is how the Jews came up with vowel points and letter changes to prevent the repetition of the same sound to give the Hebrew language a more modern flavor. Understand this friend: Jews openly admit to changing the language! The word sheva (H-7723 and 7724) actually means false, desolating, evil, and lying! Not only did they create the word; they gave it a meaning that explains what they did! HalleluYAH! So the sheva system (which is where we get made up words like Jesus, Jehovah, Joshua and Jehoshua) literally means ‘false/evil system!’ There was only One Name given by the Father for Him and the Son. Only one Name given under heaven by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12). I can’t stress this enough: we must know the One Name! At this point, we can easily break down and discard any of the names for YAHUSHA that are not yod heh uau shin ayin יהושע, or that end with the shua suffix. REMEMBER: shua MEANS TO CRY OUT! Let’s look at a list of ‘shua’ names that try but fall very short of יהושע YAHUSHA.
YAHUSHA (יהושע) vs. Yeshua (ישוע)
Yeshua (Same as Y’shua) is the alleged Jewish Messiah and can only be a real word in Modern Hebrew by way of Jewish influence on the language. Where does the Jewish Yeshua come from? Since we know the spelling of the Messiah’s name is yod heh uau shin ayin יהושע, what’s the Hebrew spelling of Yeshua? The spelling of Yeshua is yod shin uau ayin ישוע and is really pronounced Yashua. The Jews pronounce ישוע as Yeshua because, with their sheva system, they assign an ‘e’ behind the yod to avoid the repetition of ‘Ya’. Is this not tampering with the Name? Yeshua came into existence after the Hebrews returned from captivity in Babylon, and obviously, the language had undergone a few changes. The Strong’s H-3442 shows that Yashua stems from Strong’s H-3091 Yahushua (passive form of Joshua’s name). Azra (Ezra) 2:1-2 introduced this post captivity form of Yahushua (Yashua is Yahushua without the heh and the uau). The King James renders Yeshua/Yashua as Jeshua, but this is a hybrid form of the name Jesus. Even an Aramaic Bible uses the pagan short form Y’shua (Yashua) when speaking of YAHUSHA. N’chamYah (Nehemiah) 8:17 shows that Yahusha ben Nun (Joshua son of Nun) has been changed to Yashua (Yeshua) which is why we use the Yiddish word Joshua in English. Before Babylonian captivity, Joshua had the same Hebrew name as HaMashiach (YAHUSHA). Joshua’s name would go on to be mixed with a foreign language and changed to Yashua (Yeshua), but the Name of the Savior was prophesied in ZakraYah (Zachariah) 6:11-12 as being the same as the High Priest: not Joshua the son of Nun. Though Joshua’s Hebrew name changed after captivity, the High Priest’s name stayed the same: YAHUSHA. Also, note that Yeshua ends with shua: to cry out. Yeshua is a word formed by the Jews for a Messiah that has not yet been revealed to them: definitely not a good thing.
YAHUSHA (יהושע) vs. Yahshua (יהשוע)
There are some who refer to the Jewish Yeshua (Yashua) as Yahshua. Yahshua is spelled yod heh shin uau ayin יהשוע. The implication made here is that the Jewish Yeshua (Yashua) should be pronounced as ‘YAH’shua because of the yod י, but the yod only makes the ‘Ya’ sound. We would need to apply the heh ה to get ‘YAH’. The spelling of Yahshua יהשוע is not found anywhere in Hebrew text and has no meaning at all. You have already seen from the scripture in ZakraYah (Zachariah) 6, the Savior’s Name is YAHUSHA (יהושע). Any other name must be found in SCRIPTURE, and must be proven to be about Messiah. It is highly possible that Yahshua has been mistakenly transliterated as Yashuah. Yashuah is the Hebrew word for deliverance, and is spelled yod shin uau ayin heh ישועה, not yod heh shin uau ayin יהשוע. Yahshua is not a real word, therefore: it’s impossible to be the Name of the Savior.
YAHUSHA (יהושע) vs. Yashuah (ישועה)
It is no secret that the Messiah came to bring deliverance to Yashral (Israel) (MattitYAHU (Matthew) 15:22-28). Yashuah (H-3444), the Hebrew word for deliverance (aid), is spelled yod shin uau ayin heh ישועה, and is a feminine passive word (H-3444). Many use Yashuah as the Name of the Messiah because of its meaning. Although the Savior did bring deliverance, He also said He would come in the Name of YAHUAH (Yahuchanan (John) 5:43). Yashuah does not carry the Name of the Father, and it is not masculine because of the ‘shua’ (refer back to shua vs. sha). The word Yashuah stems from the Hebrew word Yasha (H-3467). Yasha is spelled yod shin ayin ישע, and it means to bring salvation (not to cry out), to set free, deliverer, to gain victory, to defend: SAVIOR. Yashuah is found quite a few times in the Hebrew text (Interlinear Scriptures). Tahalym (Psalms) 18:50 reads, “Making great the yashuah (deliverance) of His sovereign, and showing kindness to His anointed, Da’ud (David), and his seed: forever.” This passage is clearly speaking of the deliverance of King Da’ud (David) from those who oppressed him. In verse 41, Da’ud (David) says that there is no help for his enemies who cried out. What was the word used in verse 41 for cry out? Yashua ישוע. This word should look familiar because we reviewed it earlier as Yeshua! Yashuah ישועה is referenced to being delivered (Tahalym (Psalms) 18:50, and Yashua (Yeshua) ישוע references crying out (Tahalym (Psalms) 18:41). Tahalym (Psalms) 44:4 reads, “Command yashuah (deliverance) for Ya’aqob (Jacob).” Again we have a passage speaking of deliverance from oppression and not speaking of Messiah. The next verse (verse 5) even shows the deliverance (yashuah) has already taken place, and still: no reference to YAHUSHA. There are many verses found in the Hebrew text that make use of Yashuah, but they are all speaking of deliverance and not the Deliverer.
YAHUSHA (יהושע) vs. Yahushua (יהושוע)
It is common knowledge that Joshua in Hebrew was spelled the same way as HaMashiach: YAHUSHA. The problem is that the transliterations for Joshua have rendered about 4 different spellings, and there were also 3 different Joshua’s! This has brought about chaotic confusion to the Name. If the Hebrew Joshua and the Savior’s Name were spelled the same way, and we have 4 different spellings of that name: how do we know which name to use? I urge all of you to learn the Scripture in ZakraYah (Zachariah) 6:11-12. This is the only scripture that gives us the exact Name of the coming Messiah: YAHUSHA (יהושע). YAHUSHA had the same Name as Joshua the High Priest. If Joshua the son of Nun’s name was changed 10,000 times: it is of no consequence for the Name of YAHUSHA. In order for YAHUAH not to lie: YAHUSHA’s Name could not have changed!
Before we go any further, I would like to address the use of the name Yahoshua. Ya-HO-shua is a word that has been invented by combining Yashua and ‘hovah’. Remember, ‘hovah’ (H-1943) means mischief and ruin. Yahoshua not only falls short of being the Name: it denotes something evil.
Strong’s H-3091 lists Yahushua as one of the many spellings of Joshua the son of Nun. Let’s look at the history of Joshua. Joshua in Hebrew was originally Husha. Husha was changed to Yahusha by M’shah (Moses). Later, Joshua (son of Nun) was referred to as Jeshua (Yeshua/Yashua) after Babylonian captivity. Then, another Joshua (II Kings 23:8) was back to using the pre-captivity name Yahusha. What are we to make of this fourth spelling of Joshua; Yahushua (יהושוע)? Written as yod heh uau shin uau ayin יהושוע, Yahushua is one of the primary names used for the Savior by many Hebrew followers. Yahushua does carry the first 3 letters of YAHUAH with yod heh uau יהו (Yahu). The problem is that Yahushua ends with the shua suffix and goes right back to crying out. Why has this name been transliterated as Joshua, was this the Joshua from ZakraYah (Zachariah) 6? If so, where can we find it in Scripture?
First off, understand that Yahushua is only found 2 places in scripture. In Debarim 3:21, M’shah (Moses) called Joshua Yahushua. As M’shah is speaking all the wonders of YAHUAH to Yashral (Israel), he uses a passive form of Joshua’s name: Yahushua. Verses 23-25 show how M’shah (Moses) was pleading (crying out) to YAHUAH to cross over the Yardan (Jordan). He was using the ‘shua’ in his story to explain his sad demeanor: he was denied passage. As YAHUAH began to scold M’shah (Moses), in verse 26-27, what did He Himself call Joshua in verse 28? YAHUAH firmly re-asserted the masculine form of the name, Yahusha, and never referred to Joshua as Yahushua.
The second place we find Yahushua is in Shuphtym (Judges) 2:7, which reads, “And the people served YAHUAH all the days Yahusha, and all the days of the elders who outlived Yahushua, who had seen all the great works of YAHUAH.” What a confusing verse! Yahusha and Yahushua are side by side in this verse; but how can this be? In verse 4, the messenger of YAHUAH has given Yashral (Israel) some very bad news: the people began to weep. In verse 6, Joshua is once again referred to as Yahusha. In verse 8, Yahusha ben Nun (Joshua son of Nun) died. When Yahushua was used in verse 7: we have to read it in context; “and the people served YAHUAH all the days of Yahusha (Joshua son of Nun) and the elders that outlived Yahushua (shua means to cry out: Joshua had died! This was confirmed in verse 8).” This verse is yet again referring to crying out, and not the Name of the Messiah. Yahushua was used for Joshua son of Nun’s name in two instances: both dealing with crying and/or pleading. Yahushua has absolutely no reference in the Scriptures to the Messiah.
I pray that your understanding about all of the ‘shua’ names has grown. The Father said the Name of His Son would be YAHUSHA (יהושע); what more is there to say
Read more:
PART 2-Family Court Crisis - Our Children at Risk
Crimes of the courts here in America are rape and murder.
Prudence and Porn issues
They shouldn't have protected any molesters.
Prudence and Porn issues
They shouldn't have protected any molesters.
I guess it doesn't matter what sex you are;
In courts prudence and being courteous isn't respected, anyway.
In courts prudence and being courteous isn't respected, anyway.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Who Can Stand the Test of FIRE 1
Yahusha Reigns Besorah
Encouraging Words Enlightening The Hearts of people everywhere;
Standing for the Truth that sets men free from their sorrows
and strife from the perils of hearsay and lack of wisdom. JCoffey
Encouraging Words Enlightening The Hearts of people everywhere;
Standing for the Truth that sets men free from their sorrows
and strife from the perils of hearsay and lack of wisdom. JCoffey
Second Pesach

Hos. 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of YAHUAH Our Elohim, I also will forget your children.
The Letter U [you]
Repent, Return and Restoration of the Paths To The Tree of Life

YAHUSHA'S Greatest Sermon about giving sight to the blind, helping the lame to walk , delivering the poor and setting the captives free was observed at the Mount with the fish and the 5 loaves of Unleaven during Passover with YAHUSHA. The story of YAHUSHA'S Way of Life was through obedience of all the Feast were statutes, ordinances and comandments given by YHUH to the prophets. No Da Vinci Code here!
Nazarene Believers in Yahusha the Messiah and the Elohim of Israel; Until Constantine put to death all Christians who kept Passover, most Christians kept the Passover of the Bible instead of pagan Ishtar/Easter. If the Emet hadn't been told, we would never have known the Truth of the Messiah.
We all know Mary Magadalene was a prostitute delivered of devils.
Yahusha Our Savior gave deliverance because she chose to serve HIM and repent for her worldliness. No fornification there. She needed the deliverance. Martha blessed, also; perhaps Martha was cleaning house for Pesach! They will both be in HIS bride; when HE returns. And so is Rahab, for showing mercy.
He fulfilled the Statutes Commandments and Ordinances abolishing the enimity [hatred] for converts to be cont...
This year I also learned about the Star of Dau'd
Covetness, idoltary, Fornification and Clean Houses for Passover
I praise Yahusha that they are going to renovate this lil abode I have here below. I know I want a mansion one day in paradise. However, that won't be long if I don't get back to work.
The neighborhood village where i live is Under Construction,; there's no way that I can clean it all up. I have applied for another apartment. If I didn't get all of the "Spring Cleaning" done for Passover because I wasn't aware that rust and dust was leaven does that mean I have forgotten what I didn't know? Why is it I always find some leaven after Passover?
Passover is an offering for redemption. The Yom ha Kippurim offerings are for sin.
Yahusha is not the final passover -- HE Himself said that there is yet fulfillment to come in the Kingdom.
Yom ha Kippurim is a congregational sin covering from the presiding priest. YAHUSHA also fulfills this (if you read even just the NT you can figure this out). Yom ha Kippurim is not to be confused with daily prayers submitted for Mercy, Faith, or Love;
HE is the perfect lamb -- the Passover lamb. Passover is redemption.
Also to be considered:
1John 2:3 By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. ... See more
1John 2:4 The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
1John 2:5 but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of Y OUR ELOHIM has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him:
1John 2:6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as HE walked.
James 4:12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy
HE is the Lawgiver and the Savior. If we keep not the YAHUSHA OUR SAVIOR'S (Lawgiver's) commandments then we are liars when we say that we know Him.
What would you say is the difference between two children: one who calls their parent's teaching a "yoke of bondage," and the other child who says about their parent's teaching: "teach me your ways all of my life, for I love you - your teachings are a joy and a blessing."
As a parent, my smile would shine biggest on the later, not the former.
Hos. 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your YHUH, I also will forget your children.
Ex. 20:4 “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
Ex. 20:5 “You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your G-d, am a jealous G-d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Ex. 20:6 but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments....
People are liars when thy say the law is NULL AND VOID! They are saying the EXACT opposite of what YAHUSHA is saying.
Mark 7:9 And he said to them: "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of YAHUAH in order to observe your own traditions!
Matt. 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord (ADONAI),’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
Matt. 7:22 “Many will say to Me on that day, [ADONAI]‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’
Matt. 7:23 “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’
Don't you care about your children, grandchildren, spiritual children in the faith??? Do you ask Him to bless them while you go about cursing them????
The issue of eating in an unworthy manner is more in regards to sin i.e. partaking of passover while still being/living in sin. ritual impurity is a different matter there's many times when ritual impurity can be beyond ones control.. a ritually impure person during temple times was banned from entering the temple..until he was considered ritually ... See more pure i.e. 'Tahor' which means clean. In our current time no physical temple is standing, so is ritual purity as important an issue? The more imporant issue is for one to have their spiritual house in order so they can observe passover properly.
Can a believer who missed Passover have a chance to have it in 30 days according to the word. Numbers 9:1-14 The second Passover was authorized for those who were ceremonially unclean, and unable to observe the first to Ephraim and Manasseh (Ephraim is representative of the "Lost Tribes" who think they are gentile...s, and Mannasseh was his brother whose name means "forgetting".
Wow - that just shows the importance of the feast itself - that YAHUAH would actually appoint another time (exactly one month afterward) for people who could not keep the feast the first go-round. What a great and merciful ELOHIM we have.
I especially love verse 14: "You shall have one statute, both for the sojourner and for the native."
Yahushua not only didn't do away (MATTHEW 5:17) with the law he added to each one. For example saying that even just looking at another with lust is as commiting the act of adultry, saying that hate to another is like murder, and so on.
Rms 2:14-15. And through the knowledge of the law sinned is revealed, then repentance through Yahusha our high priest will forgive us of our sins, through his perfect blood atonement.
Ro 3:9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are ALL under sin;
10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after YAHUAH.
12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15 Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16 Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17 And the way of peace have they not known:
18 There is no fear of YAHUAH before their eyes.
19 ¶ Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before Yahuah.
20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in HIS sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
Heck! In 1 Cor. 5 Paul does tell us to keep the Passover. If we are not to keep the feasts or Sabbaths, then was Yahshua such a poor teacher that he failed to teach his followers NOT to worry about the sabbath which they worked around at his death?
Go Fish!
Paul and others still observed Shabbat and the Feast, Paul often taught on the feast. We will be eating, drinking and being merry observing Qodesh Feastivals when he returns. YAHUAH himself observed Shabbath; there wasn't a jewish person around, HE preached repentance to save sinners. (and there's no J's or W's in Hebrew). If HE changes NOT, then neither does HIS word. Yahusha came to restore both Jew and Gentile, again to the Tree of Life that the leaves are for the healing of the nations. The times of peoples ignorance HE forgives but when you come to the knowledge of the TRUTH, you must obey all statutes, ordinances and commands to live or the wages of sin is death.
What about when he came back and was among them what 40 days before he ascended he neglected to tell them they didn't have to do this anymore? He observed the Second Pesach with them
HalleuYah Praise Yah!
I love Yahusha ha Messiah for dying for such a sinner as I.
Emet: "Crux simplex", a simple wooden torture stake, according to the classic Greek word "stavros" ("σταυρός")
The tree our Saviour died on is still alive!
The trees they used to impale people on were the Olive Trees and The roots have lived for thousands of years!
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