"Prepare the way of IEUE, Yehu'eh, make straight in the desert a highway for our ALeiM (Elohim)."
Isa 40:3
Numbers 36:3
But if they are married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the people of Israel, then their inheritance will be taken from the inheritance of our fathers and added to the inheritance of the tribe into which they marry. So it will be taken away from the lot of our inheritance. 1
Numbers 36:4
And when [Lev 25:10] the jubilee of the people of Israel comes, then their inheritance will be added to the inheritance of the tribe into which they marry, and their inheritance will be taken from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers."
Numbers 36:6
This is what the LORD commands concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, 'Let them marry whom they think best, [Numbers 36:12] only they shall marry within the clan of the tribe of their father.
mmmm.......it sounds like the issue here is not skin color, but inheritance, doesn't it, tho?
When one understand the Hebrew Roots of the Bible, then they can read the Bible in context to find the more accurate fulfillment (along with prayer of course).
The Law of G'd says that each tribe has ancestral lands that must stay in the Tribe, like the 13 original colonies of the U.S. was owned by the citizens of each of the 13 states when they formed. An individual could only sell or basically, allow for lease, a portion of these lands until the year of Jubilee (a practice retained by the Native Americans) when lost lands were returned to the family and to the tribe. This prevented homelessness and poverty as everyone had his own land to farm to support himself.
When a woman married someone outside of her tribe (of Israel), then she gave up her share of the inheritance of that land, thus putting her in a vulnerable position.
Marrying someone outside of her tribe would also require that she moved far away from her family to the land (state) of her husband's birth. This would bring a split in the families and would separate her from her family. It would also make it more difficult on her after having children because only half of the child's family (the father's side) would be there to support the child and help in raising it, for reasons of military defense this also put the family in danger because only one of the families could make a timely rescue if there was danger.
Let's apply this in context to Yosef and Miryam and the Birth of the Messich IEUESHUO....


"Out Of Mitsrayim I have called my Son"

Miryam & Family
Myrrh for the Bride...
Do you think that Yosef ben Da'ud, a skilled Carpenter by trade, would put his bride in a dirty stable and then announce their wedding to the other Brides and Bridegrooms who were married at the Feast of Booths in front of Miriam's Family?
In front of everyone in Jerusalem? Isa 9:6 Lk 2:41
The Magi were going to Yerusalem for the Feasts of Booths with their annual tithes.
Yes, Yehusha was worthy to receive of their tithes and incense [sacrifices of incense are prayers].
Brides are given Myrrh. The babe was born in a Sukkot at Sukkot where there were the customary Yehudim weddings for all the Brides and Bridegrooms were taking place during the Harvest when all the food was plentiful for a party, as well.
Festivals of the Yehudim were always held in Yerusalem. That's where the Magi were going as well. Methuselah tithed too. Everyone is obligated to pay their tithes from Melchizedek of Father Avraham, also of the linage of Sister Miriam 's side of the family, as well.
Miriam's Family would have attended the Feast 'O Booths so they were at Sister Miriam and Brother Yosef's wedding, as well!
Miriam did not have to forfeit her dowry: inheritance or leave her Orthodox parent's home; probably her parents had been watching the New Moons as well to go to attend the Qodesh Festivals for the wedding. Weren't the Magi also observing the New Moons, as well? While on their journey to Yerusalem, they were met by the Magi, also en route to the Feasts.
If I am correct, Father Abraham family could have been Miriam's OF UR, and the Hittites that lived in the Egypt area. Well...
Myrrh is a bitter herb traditionally given to Jewish Brides before their weddings. It is also good for the blood, arthritis, toothaches,and the Jews also used it for embalming. Yehusha refused to partake of it at His Last passover [maybe because of its use for embalming, perhaps?]
EliYah.com plans to use it as the bitter herb at Pesach, which is allright if one prefers, anyhow,instead of the horse'radish.
Yosef ben Dau'd the Carpenter from the City of Natsareth went to Beyth lehem to be registered and wanted his Bride Miriam to be comfortable so he prudently wanted to rent pleasant rooms in the inn on their wedding like any other Bride and Bridegroom.
For the sake of being humbly modest in front of the other Yehudim they had to sleep, eat, cook outside in their Sukkot, just like everyone else.
The animals were in the meadow so the innkeeper generously extended the stable for Yosef's fleet. The sheep were in the meadow; it was still warm; the shepherd's did not sleep outside in the winter snow.

YEHUSHA was born in a Sukkah at Sukkot, not in a stable. The symbolic use of a manager, a feeding trough, to be a sacrifice
YEHUSHA and the Parables of the Prodigal Sons, Jew and Gentile, as well. Therefore, it's Fossilized Customs and Double Portion Inheritance
Did Miryam and Yosef make a round trip with her family? Wasn't it be possible that Miryam and Yosef ben Da'ud were sent back for safety along with her Mother and Father after the wedding; her side of the family being the Hitittes from Mitsrayim?
Herod wanted his money. The Yehudim were taxed and the end of a Fiscal year which was during the Harvest.
Miryam was a Hittite from the same area as her forefather Avraham. Could this possibly be the home that they fled to aft the Feast to escape the jealous wrath of the Terrible King Herod?
Thanks Yehu'eh for setting the prodigal sons Free with Your Way,Your Emet and Your Life
I don't keep a Star of Dau'd now because The Magi went to see the King. I believe that it was the New Moon Ordinance that was to be observed!!
Somebody want to tell me Who were the Magi? Were they possibly priests?
Could those Magi could have possibly married Yosef and Miryam; they were observant of the Qodesh days as well, or was their gift of Myrrh to the Bride Miryam out of a consideration for the tradition of marriages during the Feast of Booths?
Let's get rid of idolatrous perversion of fornification that is anti-marriage for the sanctification of the Marriage bed.
I think Yosef and Miryam may have had to return to Egypt after they went to Yerushalayim to the safety of Miryam's paternal family. I think Yosef was convicted that he had to be married first or there would not be a dowry/inheritance from her parents in obedience to command, either. Everything would have been lost if the wedding and/or pregnancy was made unclean.
Miryam's parents loved her enough to want to see that their daughter kept every statue, ordinance, and commandment of sanctification and wed a Bridegroom that did live observing the WAY the YEHWEH Commanded and attended her wedding.
Yosef was considerate of the ordinances, Statutes and Commandments and accordingly did not sleep with her again until they were wed. The Hebrew babe Yehshua had Orthodox parents that were wed either before, during, or at Sukkot. That is when Miryam joined the Tribe of Dau'd in marriage prophetic of the Dalet in Beyth Lehem. It kinda depends on the length of the journey and how much time to took to get there.
Do you still think that Yosef ben Dau'd, a skilled Carpenter by trade, would put his bride in a stable before their wedding?
In front of everyone in Jerusalem?? Isa 9:6

With all due Respect for the Statutes, Ordinances and Commandments from repentance for Yahusha at the New Moons. To the best of your knowledge...
Barauch Ha Shem Ye'shuo Our Sovereign via Yerushal'm with Peace
Cynical Links:
1599 Geneva Bible from Tolle Lege Press LLC
Recently Released Book of Romans that wasn't allowed to be published in 1599
Biblical Chronology Report
'sous' in Hebrew means Horse 'n all of Pharoahs were drowned in the sea...
:D Boy, that horseradish was good!
1 Brian Newman http://www.doubleportioninheritance.com/fr_home.cfm 04/25/2010 http://www.facebook.com/janice.coffey1?v=app_2309869772&ref=profile#!/notes/brian-asriel-newman/do-not-marry-outside-your-tribe-its-not-about-what-you-think/389028812550