Abrahams Children! Prepare the Way!

HASHEM IEUESHUO (Yeh-weh-shuo) IEUSHUO (Yeh-oo-shuo) ben ABBA IEUE (Yehweh - ee-eh-oo-eh)

Sacred Namer


Words of Wisdom

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mother Hubbard thinks her cupboard is bare. Is it?

Mother Hubbard thinks her cupboard is bare. Is it?
Originally uploaded by Heart felt

Any zinc, today, for a stiff necked society?

Ready for breakfast? Fresh Salmon, anyone? America's cup of tea biscuits is dwindling with the economy's baby buster's sifted bleached flour for Passover....

Witches of New Salem

Long Term Ergotism


King George III, known for beheading his mistress'?

Mother Hubbard in progress

Mother Hubbard in progress
Originally uploaded by pennyleavergreen

Reminds me of my Mom's old kitchen cupboard! Her's use to have a flour bin with a sifter full of ergot. The cupboard sat there for over 40 years and never once to the "best of my knowledge" was the flour bin ever cleaned up!! I believe it made my Dad have a heart attack! Processed food, too, you know! Dog Biscuits!

Every year she would go to the grocery and buy ole bleached plain flour to make unleaven!

Love my coffee

Love my coffee
Originally uploaded by Lady Jayne ~

G'd Morning!

The Cure for RLS Restless Leg Syndrome!