I would like to extend an invite to everyone: "Purim: A Celebration of Victory Over the Pagan “gods” " today.
Purim The minor festival (on which it is permitted to work, unlike on the major festivals) which falls on 14 Adar. Purim is celebrated in commemoration of the deliverance of the Jews from the designs of Haman who cast lots in order to determine the date of their destruction, as related in the book of Esther: ‘For Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the foe of all the Jews, had plotted to destroy the Jews, and had cast pur—that is, the lot—with intent to crush and exterminate them. … For that reason these days were called Purim, after pur’ (Esther 9: 24–6). Modern biblical scholars (see BIBLICAL CRITICISM) have questioned the historicity of the events told in the book of Esther and have tried to discover the origins of Purim in a Babylonian festival, later adapted by Jews. But there is evidence that Jews celebrated Purim as early as the first century BCE. Classical Reform Judaism tended to look askance at the festival of Purim both because of the lack of evidence that the events really happened and because the festival was seen as too nationalistic and vindictive for Western taste. Orthodox, Conservative, and now some Reform Jews do celebrate Purim, as representing God's deliverances through the ages.
The central feature of Purim is the reading of the Megillah (‘Scroll’), as the book of Esther is called, on the night of Purim and on the next morning. Although the Megillah is normally read on these two occasions during the synagogue service, where synagogue attendance is not possible it can be read in the home.
Since the book of Esther speaks of sending portions to friends and gifts to the poor on Purim (Esther 9: 22), the rule, as stated in the Talmud (tractate Megillah is devoted to the laws of Purim), is that each person must send a gift of at least two items of food to a friend (some, today, prefer to send books instead) and give at least one donation to two poor men. From the reference to ‘days of feasting and joy’ (Esther 9: 17) the Talmudic Rabbis ordained that a special Purim meal be partaken of in the home, at which much wine is imbibed. The Talmudic statement in this connection (Megillah 7b) that a man is obliged to become so drunk on Purim that he is no longer aware whether he is blessing Mordecai or cursing Haman, is still taken literally by some ultra-Orthodox Jews, although many Rabbis understand it as hyperbole and advise against taking drinking to the extreme of drunkenness, even on Purim.
Undoubtedly influenced by the Italian carnival, people dress up and, children especially, perform Purim plays in which they take on the characters mentioned in the Megillah. In learned circles, it is often the practice to give fanciful interpretations of the Bible and Talmud and frivolously manipulate sacred texts. Scholars have seen in this ‘Purim Torah’, as it is called, a means of obtaining psychological relief, on one day in the year, from what otherwise might have become a burden too hard to bear.
Work Cited "Purim" A Concise Companion to the Jewish Religion. Louis Jacobs. Oxford University Press, 1999. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Pellissippi State Technical CC. 18 April 2010
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below and join Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ -Janice Coffey
Dear Friends in Messiah,
Purim: A Celebration of Victory Over the Pagan “gods” By Maria Merola
This year in 2010, the "Fast of Esther" begins (according to the Aviv Sighted Moon Calendar) on Sunday February 28th at sundown. Purim & Purim Shushan are on March 1st & 2nd 2010.
There is much controversy today in the body of Messiah with regard to the Feasts commanded by YHWH in the Torah, and the extra Jewish celebrations that the Apostle Paul (Sha’ul) spoke about in Romans 14. Sha’ul/Paul suggested that there were certain fast days that were not considered mandatory according to the Torah but they were considered special days by the Jewish people (the House of Judah) wherein they chose to fast in remembrance of these victories that had been won on their behalf by YHWH himself. Christians often use Paul’s letter to the Romans to suggest that the Feasts Days of YHWH given to Israel in Leviticus 23 are merely “optional”, but this is not true. The Sabbaths and Feast Days given to Israel (to include grafted in Gentile believers) are to be observed “Forever, unto all generations in all your dwellings” (Leviticus 23:14-21).
The Apostle Shaul/Paul would never have contradicted the word of YHWH by telling the believers in Rome that the Sabbaths and the Feasts were merely optional. He was not giving them permission to celebrate pagan sun god celebrations either. So what was Paul talking about?
The entire Chapter of Romans 14 is about “food” and his letter is addressing the Jewish believers in Rome and their conduct with newly converted Gentiles into the faith. It becomes quite apparent that his statement below is specifically about “fasting”:
Romans 14:3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.
We must understand that Romans Chapter 14 is a correction about eating habits of two groups within the congregation of Rome that are bringing conflict to one another. In staying with the food subject of this chapter, the only “day” that would have any relationship to the subject of food would be a “fast day” when one chooses not to eat food. In actuality, the whole chapter is about food and how some in the congregation had certain beliefs that incorporated “fast days” into their spiritual lives. The Apostle Shaul/Paul corrected both sides on their views on the subject of “fast days.”
The “day” that Shaul was referring to in this chapter would be one of the traditional Jewish “fast days” that the Jewish believers continued to keep, and the Gentile believers did not and probably did not understand why the Jews continued to do so. These “fast days” were not Torah commanded but were times of remembrance special to the House of Judah. They were times for the Jewish believers to remember their ancestors’ captivity in Babylon. Thus these times had no relevance or cultural interest to the Gentile believers in the same congregation. The “fast days” that Shaul was referring to were the House of Judah’s “fast days” found in Zechariah 7:5-6:
The fast day in the 4th month of the Jewish calendar was in remembrance of the destruction of the Wall of Yerusalem.
The fast day in the 5th month was in remembrance of the burning of the Great Temple in Yerusalem.
The fast day in the 7th month was in remembrance of the killing of Gedaliah which brought about their ancestors’ exile into the nations.
The fast day in the 10th month was in remembrance of the siege of Yerusalem.
In addition to these four fast days in Zechariah, there is also the “three fast days” of Esther followed by the Feast of Purim.
Paul is telling these Jewish believers in Rome not to judge the new converts who don’t observe the “fast days” but he is also commanding the Gentile believers not to judge the Jews for wanting to observe these fast days. Listen to what he says here:
Romans 14: 4-6
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.
One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
One of these special “days” was the 3-day Fast of Esther followed by a celebration called “Purim” to commemorate the victory that the Jewish people won over their enemies in Persia. This is a special time of year for the Jewish people to remember the time when they were almost annihilated by Satan’s wicked schemes through King Ahasuerus’s right hand man, Haman. Many Jews use this time to celebrate by dressing up in festive costumes and they have a big party where they “boo” and “hiss” and stomp on the floor to demonstrate that Satan (Haman) is under our feet! Some who are in the Hebraic Roots Movement, condemn this celebration because there is no specific commandment to keep this feast in the Torah.
Certainly there is no commandment in Leviticus 23 to honor or observe these fast days and the Feast known as Purim, but I do believe that the book of Esther is just as much an inspired book as the five books of Moses known as “Torah.” Queen Esther was a mighty woman of valor and she was used mightily to save her own people, the House of Judah. Queen Esther’s real Hebrew name is Hadassah, and her decree to celebrate this day known as “Purim” was written in the inspired writings of the books of the Prophets, and I believe that her decree is honored by YHWH himself as he rejoices over us and with us when we win the victory over Satan! I recommend reading my other article entitled:
“The Feast of Purim, How Does it Point to Messiah?”
Thought for the Week: It's not the outside that matters; only the heart matters. However, the outside often indicates what is going on in the inside.
Commentary: You shall make qodesh garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty. (Exodus 28:2)
YHWH commanded the children of Israel to make special garments for the priests to wear while they officiated in the Tabernacle. The garments are described as qodesh(holy) garments for glory and for beauty.
The garments of the priesthood were set apart for the purpose of serving YHWH in the Tabernacle. They were not to be used for any other purpose. Being "Qodesh" (Holiness) does not mean that there is some kind of a mystical goodness attached to the object, person or place described as holy or "Qodesh". It simply means that YHWH YAHUAH does not want it used for anything other purposes than His own. The opposite of something "Qodesh" (holy) is something normal.
Not only were the priest's clothes "Qodesh" garments, they were vestments for glory. The Hebrew word translated "glory" is kivod, (כבוד). It also means "honor." Its root meaning is closely connected with the Hebrew word for "heavy." To treat something lightly would be the opposite of glorifying it. Maimonides points out that the priest's garments were not meant to glorify the priests who wore them. Instead, the priests' garments reminded the people of YHWH YAHUAH's greatness.
The laws of the priestly garments teach some important lessons about clothing. For example, they teach that the way we dress matters to YHWH YAHUAH . Clothing can bring honor or dishonor to "YHWH" "YAHUAH" G-d.
In many churches, and even in some synagogues, it has become popular to dress casually. Typically people dress better when they are going out to an expensive restaurant than they do when they attend worship services of the Most High. Even in Messianic assemblies people rarely dress their best for keeping the Sabbath. Jeans and T-shirts on Sabbath mornings? Shorts on Yom Kippur? Immodest, body-revealing clothing is flaunted even in the presence of the holy Torah scroll.
In modern Western culture, it has become common to regard dress and apparel as inalienable rights that are essential expressions of the individual. What is more, we have adopted some sort of assumed piety in dressing down. The reasoning proceeds along these lines: YHWH YAHUAH does not look at the outside. YHWH YAHUAH looks at the heart. Therefore, the outside should not matter.
Ironically, those who wear blue jeans and T-shirts to worship services seem to regard themselves more intrinsically spiritual than the "stiffs" who still dress formally, because they assume that their casual dress reflects a more genuine heart.
The laws of the priestly vestments prove that YHWH YAHUAH looks at the outside as well as the inside, and He is concerned for how His people present themselves in the eyes of the world. The way we dress often reveals what's going on inside us. It also reflects on YHWH YAHUAH . To dress disrespectfully on His "Qodesh" days in His "Qodesh" holy" houses of worship is to disrespect Him.
Praise Yah
I've posted my blog called The Greatest of All, because The Greatest Command of all is to obey the Golden Rule and I want to place Yahuah first in my life. If Messiah can clear out the marketplace for Passover, then I can my home. After all, home is where the heart is, anyway.
Thanks, Nick, I appreciate U sending me this. Wasn't it Luke, the Great Physician that was told,"Physician, heal thyself."
Purging Fornification of Idolatary:
May Yahuah bless anyone that cares enough to tell one the Truth so that they can set themselves free, especially before Purim and/or Pesach.
I didn't worshiped any of these, however I got rid of my Noah's Ark Collection; Cookie Jar, Lamps, Night lights, Music box, etc. and i got rid of all the body parts; Praying hands, lil' feet and my lil' yellow ducky soap dishes from the curios shop and every what not that I could find, also. 3D Brass plaques, Birds, Plush Bears, Flower Bouquets from disassembled Wreaths, Plastic Food, Pineapple Toothpick holder, Ceramic statues, Figurines, 3D PLAQUES, and Menorah as well. I had a lotta stuff people had given me o'er the years. And, oh yea, my lil' Stone Valentine hearts, too...
I appreciate U'all sharing the Emet with me. Thanks!
to be cont...
-Jan Marie Coffey
As Scripture Believers and as Parents, we need to raise our children according to the Faith of Yahweh, and not according to the ways of the world, and certainly not under the influence of devils. When Yahweh commanded His people that "no graven images" were to be made, acquired, or kept, He was not being cruel and heartless. He knew the great harm these objects could do to His people. Notice what we are told in the Second Commandment:
Thou not make <06213> unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (Exodus 20:4)
In the above verse, the Hebrew word 'asah' is Strong's number <06213>, and means "make, acquire, keep, use, prepare, work, execute, accomplish, fashion," and a host of other meanings, depending on context. From this word we get the idea that graven images are "off-limits" to Yahweh's children, in every way. Since this is one of the greatest sources of problems between Yahweh and His people, we will look at what a graven image is.
What Is A Graven Image?
Man is always trying to justify his own actions by attempting to re-define Scripture words and meanings. Man would define a Graven Image or "idol" as something that man would physically "bow down" to. Yahweh, on the other hand, is very specific about His definition:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (Exodus 20:4)
Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: (Deuteronomy 4:16-18)
Notice that Yahweh's definition of a graven image in the above verses is not "dependent" on what a man does, or does not do, with that object. In the above Scripture passages, Yahweh makes no distinction between an object that is worshipped, and one that is not worshipped. These are simply Graven Images by Yahweh's definition.
Yahweh's definition is simply based on a clear explanation of being "an image or likeness" of a living creature, as given in general in the Exodus verse, and in greater detail in Deuteronomy, as we see above. The term "likeness" narrows it down to a 3-dimensional object, since a 2-dimensional object bears no likeness to a 3-dimensional object.
Examples of these objects today are abundant, and can be in the form of "art" objects or figurines in the likeness of people, animals, or angels. They can likewise take the form of stuffed animals and other toys; and also brass eagles, birds, fish, and other animals as found in offices; and ceramic sun and moon objects, carved and cast statues, statuettes, and many others. We will look at what Scripture reveals about the great danger to our wellbeing, as a result of having these items.
Why Do Objects Attract?
Visible, physical objects often appeal to the senses, delight the flesh, and have great attraction to man's soulish realm. However, we need to be cautious, and realize that such objects can carry with them unseen spiritual realities that can actually bring a curse to the one who has the object in his home or office. Notice what Yahweh warns us about:
Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. (Deuteronomy 7:26)
It is clear throughout Scripture that graven images and idols were among the many forms of "abominations" that were off-limits to Yahweh's people. We see in the above passage that if an abomination were to be brought into our place of habitation, whether home or office, it will put the same curse upon us, that that object is under.
We have been clearly warned. These are not simply figurines, art objects, or "toys," as the world sees them. In the spiritual realm, these objects are abominations, and are the equivalent of spiritual "dog dung." They not only "stink," but they attract spiritual "flies" or demons, and the curses that go along with the demons. Do we want our homes full of these demons? It is these demons that can cause uncurable sicknesses, and all types of "troubles" in the home, which take the form of curses.
Scripture-Believing families should be shocked to learn these things that their Pastors and Leaders never told them, but that affect our lives so greatly. We should check our homes for any objects that fit the Scriptural definitions, and we ought to destroy them, or burn them, or throw them out immediately!
"Housecleaning" is what we call getting rid of anything in our homes that may cause demonic problems. We must look throughout our homes, and pray diligently, seeking Yahweh's guidance about any items that need to be destroyed — items that are graven images by the Scripture definition, and are idols or abominations in Yahweh's eyes. This covers all statues, figurines, dolls, stuffed animals, and the like. There comes a great freedom and healing in all areas of our home — in the health of our bodies, in our emotional wellbeing, and in the peace in our home — when we begin to be obedient to this Second Commandment.
The Second Commandment says to NOT MAKE or ACQUIRE any graven image. Yahweh knew if we were to make them, we would become attached to them, and that is a form of worshipping them. Besides, having something in our home that Yahweh has told us NOT TO MAKE or ACQUIRE is disobedience. Yahweh knows that graven images lead to idolatry. Having these things in our homes give the demons a "legal right" to enter our homes, and to remain, until we repent of all disobedience! This is the source of much sorrow today in homes and families of otherwise faithful Believers. They are simply ignorant of the importance of obedience!
In Romans 1:25, the Scripture points out that there are MANY who change the truth of Yahweh into a LIE, and by doing so they worship and serve a creature more than the Creator. Think about it. If Yahushua came to your door and said, "Get rid of your carved images," could you readily discard them and trash them? Would you hesitate, aching over the value and sentiment that they represented and held to you?
The Family Toy Box
The Holy Spirit has revealed a tactic of the enemy against our children. This attack is presented in the form of dolls, stuffed animal toys, and figures of toy soldiers, heroes, monsters, and objects imitating other "life forms," whether real or imaginary. These are graven images by Yahweh's definition!
As parents, we desire the obedience of our children. So it is with Yahweh. He desires the trusting obedience of His children. Are you one of His children? He has told you very simply, "to obey is better." (1 Sam.15:22) Those who love their heavenly Father, are those who will obey Him.
What Are Dolls?
Most parents like to give their daughters "dolls" to play with. But what are dolls? Have we ever looked at the history of dolls?
Let's look at this example. One encyclopedia says that the origin of dolls is witchcraft and magic; in other words — "demonic." In many early societies, only witch doctors or medicine men were allowed to handle them, because of their close association with demonic influence and curses. To this day, multitudes of idol (demon) worshipers use "dolls" in pagan religious ceremonies.
The dictionary gives one definition of a doll as "a small carved or molded figure that served as a cult object or representation of a nursery story, cartoon, or puppet character." Much of the history of dolls includes the reputation of dolls as being used to bring "good luck" to their owners. Children were not allowed to touch the dolls, because they were thought to have magical powers.
These "Good luck" dolls were supposed to bring rain or food when there was a desperate need. Sometimes it was believed that such dolls could make goats give more milk or could help win wars. Some thought dolls could make sick people become well. In voodoo practice, dolls are supposed to bring curses on people, and also to make healthy people become sick. Since they are accursed by Yahweh, they actually can and do bring these and other bizarre results.
Some primitive tribes would make wooden dolls that looked like ugly elves. They were supposed to frighten people. When an Egyptian died, dolls would be buried with the dead person, to become friends and servants for him in the spirit world.
Every time the Israelites started worshipping idols, Yahweh sent them into captivity and bondage as punishment. Phrases such as, "lest your corrupt yourselves," (Deut. 4:16); "the anger of the LORD burned against Israel," (Jud 3:7); "it is abomination," (Deut 7:25,26); "the LORD thy God hateth," (Deut 16:22); "provoked him to anger," (Ps 78:58); and "moved him to jealousy," (Ps 78:58) — all these phrases are associated with graven (carved) images.
Homes Under A Curse
Today many homes of Scripture Believers are under a curse, and the inhabitants are not even aware of it. The Proverbs tell us that the curse does not come without a cause (Prov 26:2). The moment we bring a forbidden object into our house or building, we establish a "legal" cause for a curse to come into that realm of our authority.
As a result, problems and difficulties that arise with your children or other inhabitants, in the form of unusual discipline problems, out-of-the-ordinary or chronic sickness, accidents, emotional problems, and many others, may be likely caused by an accursed object in the home. Parents and children alike may need DELIVERANCE from the demonic influence, and from the curse of idolatry of these graven images (formed, carved, fashioned images).
Enemy Strongholds In Our Homes
Objects, including some that are not graven images of living things, can become enemy strongholds; and it is because of these strongholds, that many of Yahweh's people are not able to stand before their enemies (Josh 7:11-12; Jud 2:14-17). These can be in the form of a trinket, jewelry, or sentimental object, received as a gift or memento, or inherited from someone previously involved in occult practices of any kind, as far back as the third and fourth generation (Deut 5:9). Having such objects give the demons the "legal right" to remain.
These strongholds must be removed from the house or building. The parents must repent, by destroying the object. If possible, it should be burned, so that no one else may find or retrieve the object, and become accursed likewise.
Once the "legal" right to remain has been removed from the house, an "eviction" must take place, by commanding these spiritual "flies" or demons, in the name of Yahushua Messiah, to leave, and never return.
Acknowledging to Yahweh our sin of idolatry is an important step in gaining deliverance from demonic strongholds. A simple confession and renouncing of our sin, and coming out of agreement with idolatry, and coming into agreement with Yahweh, is often the key to freedom. Both children and parents may need to do this.
It is our repentance and obedience that restores our household and our authority in Yahushua. Once we are restored, we can then exercise our authority in the name of Yahushua. We may then command the demons to leave, and break the curse.
Demons know exactly when someone has authority, and when they do not. This is not a game; and a flippant attitude may create a problem seven times worse than before (Matt 12:43-45). It is safe to first remove the object, then through prayer, receive direction on any further steps to be taken.
If these steps do not result in a sense of peace and freedom, then you may need to seek the help of others. There are many deliverance ministries today that have a heart to help those who are seeking freedom from demonic strongholds.
Idols of the Heart
One consequence of having de jure idols (idols by legal definition only) is that they later become de facto idols, or idols of the heart. Are we attached in any way to our collection of graven images — our figurines, dolls, or toys? Our flesh will scream out against obedience to the Second Commandment. Nevertheless, this is the sin of idolatry, which is a stronghold in many lives, and is forbidden. Idolatry manifests itself in many ways. First, let's look at what Scripture tells us about idols and idolatry:
Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. (1 Corinthians 10:14)
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. (1 John 5:21)
Beloved, we are to "flee" from idols, and from idolatry. In the New Testament times, most knew what idols and idolatry were. It is only the gentiles, the heathen, that had no background in the Commandments of Scripture, and were ignorant. Today there are multitudes of Believing ones, who likewise are ignorant of the commandments in Scripture, and the effects of disobedience. Their Pastors and Leaders have simply not told them anything about this Truth of Scripture, because it would not "fit into" the theology they learned from their Theological Cemeteries and Scripture Schools.
Notice what else Yahweh tells us about idolatry:
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry (<08655> 'teraphim' = "household images"). Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. (1 Samuel 15:23)
This example spoken to Saul, reveals the same result He will have for us today, when we refuse to allow "Messiah-in-us" to walk in obedience to the Second Commandment, just as He did when He walked the earth 2,000 years ago in His own body.
Yahweh does not need us to have or to use any graven images, idols, or statues of any kind to sell and promote His Kingdom. All that is required is walking in the Truth of the Scripture. Our simple obedience to the true teachings of the Word of Yahweh will result in signs, wonders, and miracles following. Our Saviour said that if you do not believe Me, then believe My miracles. He brought deliverance and set the captives free.
"Taste and see" the goodness of Yahweh, when you begin to obey the Second Commandment. He will give us victory over demonic strongholds, and the peace that surpasses our ability to understand how great it is. These are blessings that the disobedient, and those of the world, can never taste.
1st Conclusion:
The world's way of raising children is NOT Yahweh's way. Love your children the way Yahweh wants you to love them. Remove the graven images from their toybox, and from their rooms, and from your home — and deliver them out of the hand of the enemy. Repent of your lack of knowledge of Yahweh's Word, and love your children enough to remove the curses that continue to come upon them, simply because we as parents have been as disobedient children of Yahweh (Eph 5:5-6; Col 3:5-6).
Any type of collection of figurines, art objects, dolls, toys, or any other likeness of living things (such as owls and frogs especially, which are stated as abominations to Yahweh), unicorns, birds, elephants, mice, fish, bears, soldiers — any object which depicts one of Yahweh's created living beings, as well as a likeness of the heavenly bodies — are graven images, and are idols.
Yahweh strictly forbids the MAKING or ACQUIRING of them. You may have just one or two of these items in your home or office, but only a few are just as deadly as a whole collection.
Because of idols, many of Yahweh's people become deceived, and thus they prevent themselves from making progress and attaining victory in many "little" ways in their walk with Yahweh. Refusing to "clean out" the home of graven images causes a blockage in their progress, therefore they begin to lack the willingness to "do what it takes" to grow and mature further — to become a mighty overcomer. This deception often begins with the thought, "Oh, Yahweh knows my heart; He knows I love Him, and these objects are insignificant, and nothing to concern myself over."
Many Scripture Believers have given testimony of deliverance from curses brought on by these objects. Many have testified of what these objects can do, and of the curses they bring on individuals and entire households, until they begin to walk in obedience to the Second Commandment.
Graven Images and Idols: the Scriptural Definition
What is an Idol?
What constitutes a Graven Image, according to Scripture?
What is the danger of Idols to New Covenant Believers?
Is the issue of graven images and idols a 'New Covenant' issue?
In order to answer these questions, we must disregard the many opinions, man-made doctrines and hearsay, and look to the Scriptures. Human nature always tries to justify itself, by re-defining graven images and idols. But Yahweh has made it very clear to us. He has given us many examples in Scripture, to illustrate what a graven image is, and what an idol is.
It is not the purpose of this short writing to focus on the dangers, warnings, and details of how idols affect Born-Again Believers. This has been done in the article, Graven Images and Idols: What Your Pastor Never Told You About The Second Commandment. Instead, we will summarise the danger of these objects to New Covenant Believers, and then show Scriptures that clearly detail Yahweh's definitions of graven images and idols.
Danger in Our Homes
One of the greatest dangers to Believers today is the action of bringing certain objects into the home. As we saw in the above-mentioned article, Scripture tells us specifically that any house that has an 'abomination' within it, will come under a curse:
Neither shalt thou bring an abomination<08441> into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. (Deuteronomy 7:26)
When we disobey the clear Word of Scripture, and bring an abomination, a cursed object into our home, the above Scripture tells us we become a cursed thing like the object. The result is that we come under the same curse the object is under.
The effects of these curses are varied. These effects include many chronic troubles or accidents, chronic sicknesses, chronic disease, chronic nightmares or mental attacks, constant argument, continued disobedience or rebelliousness, fearfulness, anxiety, and many others. One symptom a Believer may notice is that when idols are present in the home, prayers may be difficult to speak, or there seems to be a lack of Yahweh's presence and peace in the home, or a lack of understanding and/or acceptance of Yahweh's Word.
The ultimate effect, however, can be seen in the example of Achan, who took the accursed thing. As a result, the entire camp of Israel was cursed, and the result was that they failed to overcome, or prevail, in the battle against Ai (Joshua 6:18-7:12).
As we are told in (1Cor 10:11), these things happened to Israel for our examples, and are written for our admonition in these last days. This tells us that we too shall fail to overcome against Ai ("iniquity") if we bring the accursed object into our camp!
Why is this important? It is those who fail to overcome 'iniquity' by the time the Bridegroom returns, who will be told "I never knew you!" (Matt 7:23). For those of us who desire to be among the Bride Company, we must educate ourselves, so that we do not bring these accursed objects into our homes.
We recall that there is a long list of curses that come as a result of disobedience, starting in (Deuteronomy 28:15).
"But We are 'New Covenant' Believers," many will say. "We have been taught that idols and the curses in Deuteronomy are of no consequence to saved, Born-Again, New Covenant Believers."
Because most New Covenant Believers today are not aware of the dangers of graven images and idols, we will begin with some New Testament warnings. These Scripture passages reveal and highlight many of the potential dangers to Born-Again, New Covenant Believers. These Scriptures reveal that the issue of 'idols' is most certainly a New Covenant issue.
Idols as a New Covenant Issue
There are many dangers to New Covenant Believers, that can actually prevent one from entering in to the Kingdom as part of the Bride-Company. All of these dangers are spelled out in detail in Scripture. The fact that these dangers apply to 'New Covenant' Believers can be seen in specific warnings throughout the New Testament writings.
Many, however, have thought that these New Testament warnings are for 'unsaved' people. For this reason, multitudes of New Covenant Believers ignore these warnings, with the result that they will fail to enter in among the Bride-Company.
The Little Flock, however, will see these warnings in Scripture. They will search, and will discover these issues in detail, and will take heed to walk accordingly. Let's look at the following warnings, all given to Born-Again, New Covenant Believers:
Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. (1Corinthians 10:14)
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. (1John 5:21)
But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. (Revelation 2:14)
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. (Revelation 2:20)
Notice the above warning of Paul, who very specifically warns the New Covenant Believers to flee from idolatry; and the warning of John, who warns the Believers to 'keep yourselves from idols.' Likewise notice the warning of Yahushua in the above Revelation passages, where Yahushua says He will have a "few things against" those who continue in sins related to idols. We are told here that these 'idolatry' issues can prevent one from overcoming. We are told in (Rev 21:7), that in order to receive our full inheritance, we must overcome all things. If we want to overcome all things, we must know what to avoid, and what we must overcome. Let's begin with a Scriptural overview of the Believer's proper response to 'graven images' and 'idols.'
New Covenant Life: Turning from Idols
There are many passages of Scripture that show the importance of beginning the process of removing idols from ones life. Here is one passage:
"...how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God..." (1Thessalonians 1:9b)
Here we see that turning "to Yahweh from idols" is for the purpose of serving Yahweh. This verse shows a basic Scriptural principle: that Turning comes before Serving. As we shall see in the Hebrew definitions, we need not 'bow down' to an object, for it to be an idol. Thus if we would truly turn from these objects, we must find out what they are. And unless we fully turn from idols, we cannot serve Yahweh.
Here is another passage, and it tells us something many today have not yet realised:
Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. (1Corinthians 12:2)
Here we see that it is common for Gentiles to be carried away to idols. Notice in the above (1Cor 12:2) passage Paul states that you 'were' (Lit. Greek can read "had been") Gentiles. Does that mean they were no longer Gentiles? Paul gives us the answer. He tells us we are no longer to live and walk as Gentiles (Eph 4:17), but we are to abandon all that the Gentiles hold to, in order to embrace the Way of Yahweh.
Next notice above that Paul states "As you were led." Beloved, many of us as Gentile Believers are still 'being led' by Gentile spiritual leaders today. The result is seen in the above passage — that many are still being "carried away unto these dumb idols." Many Pastors and spiritual Leaders today are simply ignorant of what the Scriptures actually say about the dangers of idols. We as Believers, however, are cautioned that we must maintain honour and respect at all times toward these Leaders. They are still Yahweh's delegated authority in our lives, and as such we must maintain submissive hearts toward them, for as long as we remain under their authority.
The above Scripture passages reveal some of the potential dangers to Born-Again, New Covenant Believers. With warnings like these, we would do well to find out exactly what Scripture tells us about idols. Let's find out.
What is an Idol?
The key to understanding much of Scripture is in looking at the Hebrew Words and their Meanings. This is especially true as we seek to understand what Scripture reveals about idols. The Reader is referred to the Hebrew words and definitions below in the References.1
As we look at these Hebrew word definitions, we notice that there are at least 14 Hebrew words translated directly into the English word 'idol,' each having its own definition. These 14 words originate from 8 other Hebrew words, making 22 words all together, revealing a great deal more than if we look at the single English word 'idol.' By looking at these Hebrew word definitions, we can actually see the full description of the nature of idols. We can also see their use, and the results of having them. Let's look at a few of these definitions by groups. As we look below in the References Section, here is what the 'idol' Hebrew word definitions reveal:
Some definitions reflect the nature of their use, such as to "revere as mighty, worship, and healing."
Notice that some definitions reflect the results of having them, such as "vexing, fear, trembling, pain, sorrow, and distress." These appear to describe the long-term results these objects have on their owners.
Still other definitions reflect Yahweh's estimation of them, such as "worthless, good for nothing, things of nought, wallowing, filthy, detestable, and abominable."
All these Hebrew definitions reveal some of the great depth of meaning of the various Hebrew words translated into the single English word 'idol.'
As for the Greek words translated 'idol,' the Greek word definitions appear to show dependency on the definitions of the Hebrew words in Scripture. It appears that the New Testament writers must have assumed the Readers had understanding of the Hebrew terms and Torah words, because they used the Hebrew word understandings to communicate these New Covenant truths!
One Greek word translated idol has the meaning of 'likeness,' and is based on the Greek word "to know." This reveals to us many related ideas, telling us that idolatry is similar to a man and woman 'knowing' one another, as seen in Genesis 4:1. Thus we see the connection between idols and fornication and adultery, where the use of an idol constitutes knowing someone other than Yahushua.
This same word meaning 'likeness' also has a meaning of knowing with the eyes, and with the senses, and not with the heart. This is how many today know Yahweh's Word, a result of walking by sight, and not by Faith. The end result of this living by the natural senses, and not by the Spirit, is that one becomes 'carnal' (depending on the fleshly senses). Paul tells us the reason for this carnality, however, is because the carnal person is not 'subject to the Law' ('Torah') (Romans 8:7). Paul's insight, and his message to us, signals an exhortation for us to return to simply walking by Faith, and of simple obedience to Torah.
Idols of Substitution
Let's review a few Scripture passages:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)
Yahweh tells us we are to have no other 'Mighty Ones' before or in place of Him. His desire for us is that we not have any substitutes for Him, or His Word. Now let's notice what is said next, to show examples of substitutes:
Thou shalt not make<06213> unto thee any graven image<06459>, or any likeness<08544> of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (Exodus 20:4)
Yahweh gives us the commandment, and then desires to test us in this area. He watches to see whether man will receive Yahweh's Word, as it says; or whether man will create a substitute for His Word, by substituting man's own words, definitions, and his own understanding — instead of following Yahweh's simple instructions. Just in case we do not understand this simple instruction, Yahweh gives us a more detailed picture:
Lest ye corrupt<07843>("destroy") yourselves, and make<06213> you a graven image<06459>, the similitude<08544> of any figure<05566>, the likeness<08403> of male or female, The likeness<08403> of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness<08403> of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness<08403> of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness<08403> of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: (Deuteronomy 4:16-18)
Looking at these word definitions, we see that an idol is simply a likeness or image that man would use as a substitute for Yahweh, or as a substitute for His Provision, or for His Word. When we choose the simplicity of His Word, and what it actually says, we are choosing Him. But when we choose some other religious idea or notion of what His Word says, we are choosing a substitute for His Word. Choosing a substitute for Yahweh, or a substitute for His Word, His blessing or His provision, is the very essence of idolatry!
In like manner, when we covet, we are showing disdain for the daily Provision of Yahweh. In so doing, we create a substitute of our own making, choosing our own provision instead of Yahweh's provision for us. We are thus told in (Colossians 3:5) that covetousness is idolatry. Now we know why this is true.
In New Testament usage, we see the term 'things sacrificed unto idols' used in two different examples. One use of the term (as seen in several places in 1Corinthians) references the physical 'leftovers' from food that had been part of a 'sacrifice' of (pagan in origin) religious rituals. Paul exhorts us to refrain from eating these leftovers, where eating them may cause our Brother to stumble.
The second New Testament use of the term 'things sacrificed unto idols' (as seen in Revelation 2:14, 20) is a reference to a man-made 'substitute' for the "true Food and true Drink" that is from Yahweh. Scripture draws this analogy so as to give Yahweh's people instruction in what Yahweh thinks of the modern-day, man-made substitute for Yahweh's true 'Passover.' When we substitute a man-made ritual in exchange for a Truth of Yahweh's Word, we are creating an idol of substitution.
Let's look further at how the 'substitution of Yahweh's Word' becomes an idol.
Idols of Substitution of Yahweh's Word
We have mentioned how substitution of Yahweh with something else becomes an idol. Now let us notice a particular phrase that reveals how substitution of His Word is idolatry. Notice the following, spoken to King Saul:
"...rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as ... idolatry<08655>. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. (1Samuel 15:23)
Notice that in this passage, Saul did what he thought best, and not what Yahweh's Word said. Saul's stubbornness was his rejection of Yahweh's Word. In the above passage, we are told that this stubbornness of rejecting Yahweh's Word, in favour of our own, is as idolatry. Yahweh is telling us that He views this stubbornness in rejecting His Word as idolatry, even though there was no 'worship' or 'bowing down' involved. (Incidentally, Yahweh's Word to Saul, in rejecting him as king, is His Word to us today. Do you want to rule and reign with Him? Do not reject His Word!)
Saul, in his stubbornness, rejected Yahweh's Word, replaced it with a substitute of his own understanding, and thus created an idol of the heart. Notice in the two following passages how we can do the same, if we follow this same pattern of rejecting the Word of Yahweh, in exchange for our own understanding:
Thou shalt not make<06213> unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (Exodus 20:4)
Here Yahweh tells us not to make a particular shape of object. Now notice what He says next:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve<05647> them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. (Exodus 20:5)
Many would say, "But I do not bow down to it." However, Yahweh's command in verse 4 is "Do not make"<06213> (which, as we shall see in the definitions, includes acquiring or having) the forbidden object. So if we reject the simple and clear Word, choosing instead our own understanding, as Saul did, it is idolatry in Yahweh's eyes. We have created an idol, in substituting our 'own understanding' in place of Yahweh's Word.
Many will substitute Yahweh's Word regarding "do not make" for their own understanding of what this command is saying. The familiar argument is, "But I am not bowing down to this object, so it's OK to have it." But this way of thinking is exactly what Saul did, and this is exactly why Yahweh considers stubbornness as the sin of idolatry — when we exalt our own understanding above Yahweh's Word.
What follows is the progression of what we see in the next verse: "You shall not bow down ... to them, nor serve<05647> them." The word 'serve' used here speaks of being led away, returning to bondage to another master (servitude; to be led to serve as subjects).2 This passage shows a progression, where 'bowing down' to them leads to servitude, or bondage.
We may not physically bow down, nor serve. Simply having an idol of substitution, or some other idol of the heart, is the same as bowing down to that idol. And it leads to servitude, or bondage.
This same progression, of having a substitute that leads to servitude or bondage, is seen in (Galatians 5:1b). In this passage, Believers today are exhorted not to return to practices from which they came before they were Followers of Messiah, such as fleshly self-reliance, and following man-made requirements for redemption and Salvation. These Galatian-style attempts to justify oneself result in closing the spigot, or 'turning off' the supply of grace, resulting in a return to self-effort, and bondage.
Let's look at the other passage-pair to see this same progression. First, notice what Yahweh's Commandment says:
Lest ye corrupt<07843>("destroy") yourselves, and make<06213> you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: (Deuteronomy 4:16-18)
In the above passage we see that making, acquiring or having the graven image results in being 'corrupted' ("destroyed"). Now notice the next verse:
And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven<05080> to worship them, and serve<05647> them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. (Deuteronomy 4:19)
Again, we see in this passage the result of rejecting Yahweh's Word as stated in verses 16-18 leads to a progression which, if not stopped, will eventually result in lifting up ones eyes unto heaven to serve the creation, and being driven, expelled, thrust away, and banished from Yahweh. This is made clear in the wording of the above passage, and in the word 'driven,' ("driven away") the Hebrew word nadach <05080>.3
So we see that following our 'own understanding' of verses 16-18, even while thinking we are obeying the Scriptures, results in the 'bondage' of verse 19.
Let us now summarize what we have seen about idols thus far.
Is it an Idol — or an Idol?
Throughout the Scriptures in general, there are many forms of idols and idolatry. We have seen a few examples of these. We might summarize by saying that idols in Scripture appear to fall within two broad categories:
1) De facto Idols — Idols of the heart (gold, silver, money, cars, movie stars, etc.) These idols are based on man's use of them. They include such objects as the teraphim <08655> — objects that were used as a 'mighty-one' to bring healing, and objects used to bring good luck or fortune. In this category an idol is defined by man's response to, and affection for the object, which becomes a substitute for the True Mighty One, hence it is a worship-substitute for Yahweh.
Other examples of idols of the heart are 'my will' instead of Yahweh’s will; my own understanding, my own ambitions, my own strength, my own self-reliance, and many others of man’s own making, all of which become substitutes for Yahweh, His Word, and His will. Idols of the heart can be seen to exist in (Ezekiel 14:3,4,7).
2) De jure Idols — Idols by Legal Definition (how Scripture defines an object). An object in this category is called an idol based on Yahweh's definition, regardless of man's response to that object. This is an important understanding. We need not bow down to an object, for it to be an idol by Yahweh's definition. An object may be an idol – simply by Yahweh's definition – whether or not man reveres or bows down to it. An object may be an idol regardless of whether he is aware of the idolatry. Forbidden objects such as graven images fall under this category.
So wherever we see idols or idolatry in Scripture, it may be in either or both of these two categories, to which the Scripture applies. It is important that we see and understand that we need not bow down to an object, to be involved in idolatry. There are many examples of idols and idolatry in everyday life, in which man does not actually bow down to the object, but these are idols nevertheless.
We will not go into detail in this writing, but the myriad of man-made religious traditions that originally began as pagan customs fall into these categories. Some of these include such items as x-mas trees, birthday cakes and candles, halloween candy, easter candy, and many others. The reader would do well to search out these man-made religious fossilized customs.
Let us now look at what Scriptures say about graven images.
What is a Graven Image?
Again we see the importance of the Hebrew Words and their Meanings as we look at 'graven images.' The various Hebrew words translated 'graven images' along with their definitions, are given below in References.4
As we look at these Hebrew word definitions for 'graven images,' we can summarize them as follows:
* An object or shape that is fabricated, or poured out, or cast, such as with bronze, silver, or gold.
* An object, the use of which is considered by Yahweh as a 'drink offering' or libation, which is something poured out as an offering to another — in essence a substitute for Yahweh.
* An object that is fabricated, or cut or hewn into a 'shape' or likeness. There are many modern fabrication techniques and processes that could produce such an object or shape, so it is important not to limit the fabrication to only two processes of cutting and hewing.
So we see that graven images are objects fabricated into a particular likeness or shape. From archaeological discoveries, as well as from Scriptural descriptions, it appears that fabrication of these objects, or shapes, could have been by any number of processes, such as moulding and shaping, as with clay, or cutting, as with an axe or knife, to produce a particular likeness or shape. Some modern processes used to produce shapes include not only cutting, but turning on a lathe, stamping, moulding, compressing, inflating of an empty shape, and filling of a sewn or fabricated shape.
Let' see what Scripture reveals as to what kind of shapes are considered 'graven images' and are thus forbidden under the Scriptural definition.
What is a Forbidden Likeness or Shape?
We now look at one specific definition of 'graven image' as given by Yahweh in the Scripture. We must be careful to examine the Scriptures with an open and honest heart. Let us avoid the trap of trying to justify our actions by attempting to re-define Scripture words and meanings. Yahweh is very specific about His definition:
Thou shalt not make<06213> unto thee any graven image<06459>, or any likeness<08544> of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (Exodus 20:4)
Lest ye corrupt<07843>("destroy") yourselves, and make<06213> you a graven image<06459>, the similitude<08544> of any figure<05566>, the likeness<08403> of male or female, The likeness<08403> of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness<08403> of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness<08403> of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness<08403> of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: (Deuteronomy 4:16-18)
Here, we see the details about these forbidden objects. Yahweh tells us these forbidden shapes are male or female 'likenesses' of any living thing, whether beast, bird, or fish. Notice the nature of the completed shape is to be examined against the Scriptural definitions, and is not in any way related to the object's past, present, or future use. The Hebrew word definitions for the highlighted words can be seen below in the References.5
In these passages, Yahweh's definition of a 'graven image' is simply 'an image or likeness' of any living creature. Scripture further reveals in (Romans 1:23), that these images include the likeness or image of a human.
The simplicity of what this Scripture passage says is not what is commonly taught or understood. Most would define a 'graven image' as something to which man would physically 'bow down,' or 'worship.' However, if we examine the passages with honesty, it is clear that Yahweh defines a 'graven image' as simply an image or likeness of a living creature, no more, no less.
Notice in the above Scripture passages, that unlike an idol, Yahweh's definition of a graven image is not dependent on a man's response to that object. In these passages, Yahweh makes no distinction between an object that is worshipped, and one that is not worshipped.
But there is an additional bit of information given in the Deuteronomy passage: Yahweh tells us the ones who will 'destroy' themselves are those who 'make'<06213> these objects. Notice that in both passages, the forbidden action is hidden within the definition of the word 'make' — the Hebrew word 'asah' <06213>. Thus the key to our understanding these Scripture passages is in understanding the Hebrew word 'asah' <06213>. This is a key definition, so let's look at it.
You Shall Not Make — the Key to Understanding Forbidden Graven Images
We are told, "You shall not 'make'<06213> any of these forbidden objects." This is a plain and simple directive. It seems simple enough to understand. However, man will often overlook the simplicity of Yahweh's Word and create his own interpretation. It takes an honest heart to see clearly the simplicity of this directive.
If we look up the Hebrew word translated 'make,' we see a single Hebrew word that is translated into more than 50 different English words, with more than 50 different meanings, depending on context!6
From these many Hebrew word definitions, we now see that the prohibition of these objects is not simply against 'making' — but also against acquiring, having, using, maintaining, showing, selling, or giving it away.
What do these definitions of 'asah' tell us? What does this say about having toys, art objects, and other objects in the shape of fish, birds, horses, eagles, turtles, frogs, owls, angels, and multitudes of other objects and 'collections' commonly found in the home or office?
Many would say, "But we don't bow down to it."
Yahweh's Word would say, "Do not even have it in your home!"
In order for us to see how an idol is hated by Yahweh, let's try to understand how Yahweh sees things for a moment.
Yahweh has told us in many Scripture passages that He is jealous over His people. This jealousy has everything to do with idolatry, because the idol becomes a substitute for Him.
Now tell me something. If you are a husband, what would you think if your wife placed a picture of an old boyfriend on the mantle or dresser? She does not 'bow down' to the picture, so why should you be jealous? What would you do?
If you are a wife, what would you think, if your husband had a female work associate's photograph on the wall in his work area? He does not 'bow down' to it, so why would you be jealous? What would you do about it?
Now realise that Yahweh's jealousy is burning when we simply 'have' an object that He has forbidden us to have. Simply 'having' forbidden objects is like having the picture of someone else on your spouse's wall, while your spouse is in covenant relationship with you. Having the forbidden object reveals the substitute we have created in our mind. Our 'own understanding' of what an idol is becomes exalted above what Yahweh has defined it as being. By this substitution we thus bow down and serve the object, simply by having it!
Is it a Graven Image — or an Idol?
Now let's look at some of the Scriptures in which we find both words — graven image and idol:
Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 26:1)
And when he had broken down the altars and the groves, and had beaten the graven images into powder, and cut down all the idols throughout all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem. (2Chronicles 34:7)
Confounded ("confounded, ashamed, confused") be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him (Yahweh), all ye gods. (Psalms 97:7)
I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I showed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them. (Isaiah 48:5)
What profiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make dumb idols? (Habakkuk 2:18)
A careful examination of the above verses clearly reveals a connection between a graven image and an idol. Based on our study thus far, it is safe to summarize by saying, 'Not all idols are Graven Images, (meaning some idols are 'idols of the heart'); but all Graven images (objects having the shape or likeness of any living being) are idols.'
Let us now look briefly at one issue in Scripture that many have wondered about, but has been a stumbling-block for many — the issue of Images Commanded by Yahweh. Let's remove this stumbling-block!
Images Commanded by Yahweh
Many Scripture Scholars will ask, "But what about the Brasen Serpent in the wilderness?" "What about the carved cherubim over the Mercy Seat?" "And what of the twelve cast brasen oxen under the sea?" "And what of the lions, oxen, and cherubim on the borders between the ledges of the bases for the 10 lavers?"
These are all very good, and thoughtful questions, that are being asked by many today. Because men have seen in Scripture where Yahweh ordered these things to be made, men have reasoned that it must be acceptable for man to make these same images, and others. By reasoning in this fashion, men have substituted their own understanding, and have refused to walk in the simplicity of Yahweh's Word. Wherever Yahweh gave a specific, one-time command to make these images and likenesses of living creatures, in each instance these specific items became living parables, whose hidden truths were to be revealed to His people at a later time.
In the case of the Brasen Serpent, for example, there are multiple prophetic pictures for our instruction. One of these is the truth that the curse put on the people was transferred to the serpent (Gen 3:14); and that Yahushua became a curse for us, when He was lifted up on a tree, that we might exchange our curse for His righteousness and healing (John 3:14; Gal 3:13; Deut 21:23). We also see another truth illustrated in the Brasen serpent — the truth that the cursed object, when kept in ones possession, leads to idolatry, as we see in (2Kings 18:4).
These examples we see in Scripture are NOT intended by Yahweh to be an excuse for our disobedience. Rather, they are a test by Yahweh. He desires to see whom we lean on – whether we will hear and obey His Word, in its simplicity – or whether we instead lean on our own understanding, as an idolatrous replacement of His Word.
How to Avoid the Curse
Most New Covenant Believers have been taught that these Scripture Truths we have just examined, somehow do not apply to us today. Even that notion of 'not applying' today in itself violates Scripture! Every bit of the Word of Yahweh will remain forever (Deu 29:29; Ps 119:60; Isa 40:8; 1Pet 1:23; 1Pet 1:25)!
The first step in avoiding the curse is to simply search the Scriptures for yourself, and then to believe (act upon) the words of Yahweh. Do not listen to those that would tell us this eternal word is not for you today.
We are 'believing' Yahweh only when we take His word as Truth, with child-like faith, so that we act upon it, as a "DO-er" of His Word.
Remember too that every curse has a cause:
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. (Proverbs 26:2)
Here we see the curse does not come without a cause. If there is a curse in the house, there is a cause, or reason it is there. Our job is to find out why it came, and take the necessary step to get rid of the cause. Most likely the curse came as a result of an object someone has brought into the house.
Believers having graven images in their homes will eventually become 'snared' (to catch in a trap or noose, as taking a prey) if they do not remove these objects:
The graven images<06456> of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take<03947> it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination<08441> to the LORD thy God. (Deuteronomy 7:25)
Neither shalt thou bring an abomination<08441> into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. (Deuteronomy 7:26)
Cursed be the man that maketh<06213> any graven<06459> or molten image<04541>, an abomination<08441> unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen. (Deuteronomy 27:15)
In the above passages, we see in (Deut 7:25) that the graven image<06456>, along with the gold and silver from it, is an abomination<08441>. Yahweh is telling us that graven images are abominations. We are also told not to take<03947> ("fetch, receive, take, accept, or buy)"7 these objects, or their materials, lest we become caught in a snare. So when we come to (Deut 7:26), we understand quickly that the reason we do not bring the graven images into our home, is because these items are 'cursed thing.' They are under Yahweh's curse. And if we bring them in, we will come under the same curse.
Notice above in the above verse (Deut. 27:15), that the graven image <06459> and the molten image <04541> are both called abominations <08441>. Because the abomination leads to the curse, and because the graven image is an abomination, we see again how the graven images brought into the home can result in the curse.
The above verse (Deut. 27:15) should be seen as a strong warning against having 'graven images' — objects of any living creature, male or female. Yahweh says cursed are those who 'do, make, fashion, acquire, gather, show, use, maintain, give, deal, prepare' any of these objects, and puts them in a covert, sheltered, covered place (such as in a 'curio' cabinet to display them, or as a 'shrine' to revere them).
To avoid the curse from the accursed object:
1) Do not acquire it;
2) Do not have it; and
3) Do not bring it in to the house or building!
There are other types of curses that are beyond the scope of this writing. Some can actually prevent the Believer from receiving his crown, his place of ruling and reigning with Messiah (Rev 3:11).
But for now, let us remember that Messiah has become a curse for us, in our place, and has taken upon Himself the curse that was upon us. We were pronounced guilty by the Law ("Torah") and deserved death, but Yahushua has redeemed us from that curse, and has given us His life instead (Gal 3:13). However, Yahushua tells us, "Go, and sin no more" ("Go, and transgress the Law no more" — 1John 3:4; John 5:14; 8:11).
We have seen the Scriptural definitions of Graven Images, Idols, and Abominations. We have seen that each of these words has a different meaning, and the Hebrew definitions give us a great deal of information as to their nature, and the effects these objects have on Yahweh's people.
We have seen in detail what graven images are — fashioned or fabricated shapes or objects in the likeness of any living creature, male or female. We have seen that an object, by Yahweh's definition, may be an idol, whether man is aware of the idolatry or not.
We have seen that the result of breaking the commandment is a process that, if not stopped, will eventually lead back to bondage, and banishment away from Yahweh.
We have seen that the key to understanding these commandments is to notice not only making these objects is prohibited, but simply having them is also a violation, and will result in those in the house coming under the same curse the object is under.
We have seen that those who break these commandments come under the same curse that the object is under.
Disobedience results in a curse, for which cause Yahushua will have a 'few things against' those who continue in this sin.
We have seen the way to avoid the curse is to believe the words of Yahweh — to become a "DO-er" of His Word! Repentance is essential if we now understand that there are objects in our home that are abominations and cursed items. Simply discard or destroy them.
Now you know these things.
If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. (John 13:17)
<05566> 'cemel' =5 (n)(m) [to resemble; an image, figure, statue, or idol]
<06087> 'atsab' =17 (v) [to hurt, be in pain; to vex, grieve, torture; to be vexed, grieved, tortured; to make, form, copy, fashion, shape, stretch into shape.]
<06696> 'tsuwr' =38 (v) [to besiege, lay siege, distress, bind, assault, make adversary, show hostility, be as adversary, treat as foe; to form, fashion, or delineate]
<1494> 'eidolothuton' =10 (adj) [things sacrificed to idols; flesh left over from heathen sacrifices] (from <1497>,<2380>)
<1495> 'eidololatreia' =4 (n)(f) [the worship of false gods; idolatry; of the formal sacrificial feats held in honour of false gods of avarice, as a worship of Mammon; in the plural, the vices springing from idolatry and peculiar to it] (from <1497>,<2999>)
<1496> 'eidololatres' =7 (n)(m) [a worshipper of false gods, an idolater; used of any one as participant in any way in the worship of the heathen, esp. one who attends their sacrificial feasts and eats of the remains of offered victims; a covetous man as a worshipper of Mammon] (from <1497>,<3000>)
<1497> 'eidolon' =11 (n) [an image; likeness; form whether real or imaginary; a false god] (from <1491>)
<2712> 'kataeidolos' =1 (adj) [full of idols] (from <2596>,<1497>)
<2999> 'latreia' =5 (n)(f) [service rendered for hire; any service or ministration: the service of God; the service and worship of God according to the requirements of the Levitical law; to perform sacred services] (from <3000>)
<3000> 'latreuo' =21 (v) [to serve for hire; to serve, minister to, either to the gods or men and used alike of slaves and freemen; in the NT, to render religious service or homage, to worship to perform sacred services, to offer gifts, to worship God in the observance of the rites instituted for his worship; of priests, to officiate, to discharge the sacred office] (from 'latris'- a hired menial)
<05258> 'nacak' = 25 (v) [to pour out, pour, offer, cast; to pour out; to cast metal images; to anoint (a king); to be anointed; to pour out (as a libation); to pour out libations; to be poured out; to set, install; to be installed]
<08581> 'ta'ab' =22 (v) [abominable; to abhor; to be abominable; to do abominably; to loathe; detest; to make-, do-, to cause to become-] - (Ahab did abominably <08581> in following idols-1Ki 21:26.)
<111> 'athemitos' =2 (adj) [abominable; prohibited by law; unlawful; abominable]
<946> 'bdelugma' =6 (n)[abomination; foul or detestable thing; pertaining to an idol] (from <948>)
05647 `abad {aw-bad'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1553; v
AV - serve 227, do 15, till 9, servant 5, work 5, worshippers 5,
service 4, dress 2, labour 2, ear 2, misc 14; 290
1) to work, serve
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to labour, work, do work
1a2) to work for another, serve another by labour
1a3) to serve as subjects
1a4) to serve (God)
1a5) to serve (with Levitical service)
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be worked, be tilled (of land)
1b2) to make oneself a servant
1c) (Pual) to be worked
1d) (Hiphil)
1d1) to compel to labour or work, cause to labour, cause to serve
1d2) to cause to serve as subjects
1e) (Hophal) to be led or enticed to serve
05080 nadach {naw-dakh'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1304; v
AV - drive 18, drive out 6, ...away 6, outcasts 5, cast out 3,
banished 2, bring 1, go astray 1, chased 1, compelled 1, down 1,
expelled 1, misc 6; 52
1) to impel, thrust, drive away, banish
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to impel
1a2) to thrust away, banish
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be impelled
1b2) to be thrust out, be banished
1b2a) banished, outcast (participle)
1b3) to be driven away
1b4) to be thrust away, thrust aside
1c) (Pual) to be thrust into
1c1) thrust (participle)
1d) (Hiphil)
1d1) to thrust, move, impel
1d2) to thrust out, banish
1d3) to thrust away, thrust aside
1e) (Hophal) to be chased, be hunted
1e1) chased, hunted (participle)
03947 laqach {law-kakh'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1124; v
AV - take 747, receive 61, take away 51, fetch 31, bring 25, get 6,
take out 6, carry away 5, married 4, buy 3, misc 26; 965
1) to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy,
bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to take, take in the hand
1a2) to take and carry along
1a3) to take from, take out of, take, carry away, take away
1a4) to take to or for a person, procure, get, take possession of,
select, choose, take in marriage, receive, accept
1a5) to take up or upon, put upon
1a6) to fetch
1a7) to take, lead, conduct
1a8) to take, capture, seize
1a9) to take, carry off
1a10) to take (vengeance)
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be captured
1b2) to be taken away, be removed
1b3) to be taken, brought unto
1c) (Pual)
1c1) to be taken from or out of
1c2) to be stolen from
1c3) to be taken captive
1c4) to be taken away, be removed
1d) (Hophal)
1d1) to be taken unto, be brought unto
1d2) to be taken out of
1d3) to be taken away
1e) (Hithpael)
1e1) to take hold of oneself
1e2) to flash about (of lightning)
The above includes comments and testimony from several sources.
"If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief,
and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee." (Rev 3:3)
Throughout this study, I replaced Bible with “Scripture” and Yahuweh with “Yahweh” as is my preference. This work was copied from www.thewayprepared.com and the Titles of the 2 studies combined herein are: Graven Images and Idols: What Your Pastor Never Told You About The Second Commandment and Graven Images and Idols: the Scriptural Definition
Yahweh bless you and grant you repentance from breaking His law.
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