Abrahams Children! Prepare the Way!

HASHEM IEUESHUO (Yeh-weh-shuo) IEUSHUO (Yeh-oo-shuo) ben ABBA IEUE (Yehweh - ee-eh-oo-eh)

Sacred Namer


Words of Wisdom

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Word at The "Masters" Table

Praise Yeho/Yahu! HalleuYah!

My Question:Why do people misinterpret
The 1st Command, that's clearly a Monotheistic statement, as Polytheistic?
Deut 6:4-5
The International WikipediaU r History of Early Ibrim/Hebrew Semitic Language
Paleo-Hebrew Modern Hebrew Yiddish languages
Shuruq English

May Y'sha Bless Your Faith.
Please Pray For Peace For Yerush'lem!


Annual Feasts Of Weeks is always on the 1st day. So often we take Yehu'eh for granted for Shabbats. Yehu'eh told Dau'd that HE would make HIS enemies HIS Footstools. It's best to assemble together to worship and the best place to start is at home.
I just wanted to take time to send Y'all a Special
"Thanks for visiting to Yeh'shua Reigns"
For HE Dwells In Temples Not made With Human Hands.

From Torah we learn the Ancient Hebrew:
The verbs "To Be" "Is, Was, Will Be"

"I AM that I AM"
are used instead of
in el Torah

IEUE's name should not have been omitted from the Ten Words, either
nor should the 7th day be removed as Shabbat.
Ten Words Zonderman

Please, sign the petition for a Corrected Ten Commandments

Shemoth 31: 13-18



KJV Shabbat Shalom

The First and The Last,
The Beginning And The End
The Aleph And The Tau!

Spirit of Discernment
The Geographical locations of Canaan and Babylon with the giving of Torah with the perspective of having obtained the Greek Septuagint...Dogs being the women in the pulpit's [ch-rch] that don't observe Torah's Qodesh Days. The woman pleaded for Ye'sho's mercy of his wisdom and mutual understanding of the carrying away unto Babylon before Messiah was born. MatthewYahu 1

Luk 16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
Mat 15:22 And, behold, a woman of Chanaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Ieueshuo, thou Son of Da'id; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
Mat 15:23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.
Mat 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Mat 15:25 Then came she and worshiped him, saying, Yehusha, help me.
Mat 15:26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
Mat 15:27 And she said, Truth,[+Lord - Yahshua]: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
Mat 15:28 Then IEUESHUO answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou will. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Mar 7:25 For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet:
Mar 7:26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.
Mar 7:27 But Yehusha said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.
Mar 7:28 And she answered and said unto him, Yea, IEUESHUO [+ Lord -Yehusha]: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.
Mar 7:29 And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.
Mar 7:30 And when she was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed. e-Sword Matt 7:15

Trust in Yehweh
Messianic Music!!


We have been also been blessed to be able to present:
THE Hebrew/English/French/Portuguese/Spanish TORAHS
Tell everyone to look up the Original Ten Commandments.
Enjoy Reading The Ark Of The Covenants Everyday! Read And Learn.
PaleoTimes has richly blessed us with an English Version in
The Family Of Yah Edition, also.

The commands with the Letter W [double U] in Yahweh is Persian[Babylonian].
The Letter U in Yahuah is the Older of Ibrim/Hebrew.

We hope to continue updating Y'shua Reigns Blog like Clean Food Products
We Loves Y'all
Hasta la Vista

TN Law mandates correct school curriculum
Please, sign the petition for the Corrected Ten Commandments
Hope everyone has a Blessed Week!

Yesha Reigns

-Jan Marie Coffey
Yeh'shua Reigns
The Greatest Of all
Myths Exposed

Shabbat Shalom

Could Enoch have been talking about us? Good read, And scarey, but not for true believers. Amien.

Book 1: Watchers

Chapter 1

1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be
2 living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by G-d, saw the vision of the Set-Apart One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come.
3 Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable concerning them:

The Set-Apart Great One will come forth from His dwelling,
4 And the eternal G-d will tread upon the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai,
[And appear from His camp]
And appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens.

5 And all shall be smitten with fear
And the Watchers shall quake,
And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth.

6 And the high mountains shall be shaken,
And the high hills shall be made low,
And shall melt like wax before the flame

7 And the earth shall be wholly rent in sunder,
And all that is upon the earth shall perish,
And there shall be a judgement upon all (men).

8 But with the righteous He will make peace.

And will protect the elect,
And mercy shall be upon them.

And they shall all belong to G-d,
And they shall be prospered,
And they shall all be blessed.

And He will help them all,
And light shall appear unto them,
And He will make peace with them'.

9 And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His set-apart ones
To execute judgement upon all,
And to destroy all the ung-dly:

And to convict all flesh
Of all the works of their ung-dliness which they have ung-dly committed,
And of all the hard things which ung-dly sinners have spoken against Him.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New! Yahwehistic Info Promos

Yahwehistic,Yah's_Word,Hebrew Alphabet

Grand Opening!

Hosea 1 - 4:6 My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children...