Abrahams Children! Prepare the Way!

HASHEM IEUESHUO (Yeh-weh-shuo) IEUSHUO (Yeh-oo-shuo) ben ABBA IEUE (Yehweh - ee-eh-oo-eh)

Sacred Namer


Words of Wisdom

Friday, December 25, 2009

Little Children Keep Yourself From Idols

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Yahusha Reigns

In prophecy, the word "woman" often refers to a body of people. When Israel was called out of Egypt in the book of Exodus, YHUH called her his bride. She became like a "comely and delicate woman" to YHUH:

Jeremiah 6:2 I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.

Satan has a counterfeit woman also called "The Mother of Harlots" in Revelation 17:9, and she sits on seven hills.

Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

The official title of the Vatican is: "The City on Seven Hills" according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. Some are now trying to purport that the "seven mountains" are within the Islamic nations, but this does not line up with scripture. The Islamic nations do not claim to be in covenant relationship with the Messiah of Israel but the Vatican does!

This woman claims to be in covenant relationship with the true Messiah of Israel, but in reality, she is a Harlot just like Old Covenant Israel was a Harlot in Hosea 2. She was in covenant relationship with YHUH but then she went after her other gods and false Messiah's called "Ba'al" which means "Lord, Husband." Yahusha our Messiah is not just any old "Lord," he is the Master YHUH.
More Info:
Fossilized Customs
Ancient Hebrew

Church and State

Rev 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

The woman of Revelation 17 riding a beast is symbolic of the combining of the ecclesiastical power of church (the woman) and political power of the state (the beast).

Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

The Vatican City is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, and since the Lateran Concordat of 1929 it is also an independent country, the epitome of Church and State combined. Their full title in Italian is STATO DELLA CITTÁ DEL VATICANO, as shown on the coin below from the pontificate of Pope Pius the 12th, which means:


Nativity in White
Originally uploaded by Carlos N. Molina - Paper Art

Who is "that Woman Jezebel"? & Who is "the Beast"?
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance Ministry
December 2009

Who is "that Woman Jezebel"? & Who is "the Beast"?
By Maria Merola

In prophecy, the word "woman" often refers to a body of people. When Israel was called out of Egypt in the book of Exodus, YHWH called her his bride. She became like a "comely and delicate woman" to YHWH:

Jeremiah 6:2 I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.

Satan has a counterfeit woman also called "The Mother of Harlots" in Revelation 17:9, and she sits on seven hills.

Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

The official title of the Vatican is: "The City on Seven Hills" according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. Some are now trying to purport that the "seven mountains" are within the Islamic nations, but this does not line up with scripture. The Islamic nations do not claim to be in covenant relationship with the Messiah of Israel but the Vatican does!

This woman claims to be in covenant relationship with the true Messiah of Israel, but in reality, she is a Harlot just like Old Covenant Israel was a Harlot in Hosea 2. She was in covenant relationship with YHWH but then she went after her other gods and false Messiah's called "Ba'al" which means "Lord, Husband." Yeshua our Messiah is not just any old "Lord," he is the Master YHWH.

In Revelation 2:20, Yeshua describes this "Woman" and he gives her the same name of Queen Jezebel who brought in the worship of a false Messiah to the nation of Israel in 1st Kings 18. Jezebel was a foreigner. She was not Israeli born, but she married Ahab, an Israeli king. In these last days, Israel's Government is now forming an alliance (a marriage) with the Vatican, who is a "foreign woman" just as Queen Jezebel married Ahab in 1st Kings 18. Pictured above we see Shimon Perez (Israeli King) forming an alliance with (Jezebel/Vatican) a foreign woman! Notice that the Pope is wearing all white like a bride, whereas Perez is wearing a black suit like a groom.

Yeshua uses this name "Jezebel" to describe this body of people we call "The Church" but she is a counterfeit Church who only claims outwardly to be in Covenant with the true Messiah of Israel, but she teaches the servants of YHWH to do two things:

1.) To eat things sacrificed to idols.

* Examples: statues of "Mary & Baby Jesus", the Pope who is supposedly the "visible IMAGE of Jesus Christ on earth", a wafer that allegedly has the literal presence of "Jesus" inside of it, so that if you eat it, you are "eating Jesus" and hence, you "become Christ" according to Roman Catholic doctrine. Every "Christ Mass" on December 25th, you are supposedly partaking of the reincarnation of Nimrod/Lucifer, the false Messiah from the tower of Babel, who came back as "Jesus Christ."

2.) To commit fornication.

*Examples: This is literal and physical fornication, but it goes much deeper than that. This is a spiritual fornication where she worships many false Messiah's or "Christos" and she lumps in Yeshua, the only one true Messiah of Israel in with all the impostors. She calls the false Christs of "Christmas" her "Christ" but she also tries to attach the identity of the true Messiah of Israel to all of her false pagan "Christos" from the tower of Babel. Hence she calls Yeshua, "Lord, husband" but she calls all of her pagan impostors "Ba'al" meaning "Lord, husband."

In the book of Revelation, Yeshua is rebuking the true "Church" (the called out ones of Israel), and he says that they are "tolerating" this other woman named "Jezebel."

Listen to what Yeshua said about this woman:

Revelation 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.

22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

Whoa! Did you hear that? Yeshua is giving the Church at Thyratira a warning that if they continue to tolerate this "Whore" named Jezebel, he is going to have to send her into "great tribulation" so that she will repent of her deeds. And if that does not work, Yeshua will "kill her children with death" and then all the churches shall know that Yeshua Messiah is the one true YHWH of Israel and there is no other reincarnated impostor!

Okay so let's take a look at what the word "Vatican" means in Latin:

The word "Vatic" means "prophetess" and the Latin word for "anus" means "an old woman, or a hag."

Hence the term VATICANUS in Latin means "The Old Hag Woman Prophetess"

Does this sound familiar? What did Yeshua say that this woman calls herself?

"....Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess...."


Okay so now we know who that woman "Jezebel" really is! It is a demon spirit, a ruling principality that presides over the Vatican, and this demon spirit named "Jezebel" seduces the true servants of YHWH by teaching them to worship nature, trees, and abominable things.

This brings me to another discussion about a corrupted Bible Text known as "The Vaticanus Codex."

This text of the scriptures by it's name means "The Old Hag Prophetess Code."

There is a Christian man who used to be a Muslim terrorist, and he is all over Christian Television teaching lies about the book of Revelation. He is basing this lie that he is teaching off of this corrupted Bible Text known as the "Vaticanus Codex." This man is teaching the servants of YHWH to trust in this text of the scriptures that comes from that "Woman Jezebel" or the Vatican (meaning Prophetess).

Let's see how it reads in Revelation 13:18

KJV: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Aramaic Peshitta: Here is wisdom: let him that has intelligence compute the number of the beast of prey; for it is the number of a man: and its number is six hundred and sixty and six.

Vaticanus Codex: Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Allah.

Allah? Allah is an Arabic word that simply means "God" just as in Hebrew the same word for "God" is Elowah. The Arabic and Hebrew languages are similar. The word Allah in the Islamic religion is not the name of a MAN!

This same Christian man who is a former Muslim is teaching that Hebrew Gematria is "witchcraft" but this is a lie!

Gemetria is the Prophetic meanings of numbers and Hebrew Alphabet pictographs that spell out hidden revelation of our Messiah!

There are 22 letters in the Ancient Paleo Hebrew Alphabet, and every single letter is a pictograph of our Messiah.


Alef = The Sacrificial Animal, the numberic value = 1
Beit = The House, the numberic value = 2
Gimel = The Burden Bearer, the numeric value = 3
Daleth = The Door, the numberic value = 4

Okay so the 4th letter in the Hebrew alphabet, the "daleth" means "the door" and who is the door?

John 10:7 Then said Yeshua unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.

John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Yeshua is the "daleth" the door, he is the "alef" the sacrificial animal. He is the "beit" the House of Judah and the House of Israel embodied. He is the "gimel" the one who bore our sins and our burdens!

The rest of the Hebrew Alphabet is all about him! Now let's see if what this man says about Hebrew Gematria being "witchcraft" is really true.

The letter "daleth" the door is the 4th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, right? Well guess what the numberic value of Yeshua is?

Y'shua = 444

I am the door, I am the door, I am the door!

Guess what the numberic value of Messiah is?

Messiah = 444

I am the door, I am the door, I am the door!

The 8th letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is the "cheth" the "fenced in area" for the sheep. And what is the "fenced in area"? The Shepherd keeps his sheep within his boundaries through his loving instructions called Torah! Torah = instructions!

The name Yeshua Messiah = 888

I am the fenced in area (Torah), I am the fenced in area (Torah), I am the fenced in area (Torah)!

Yeshua is the Living Torah, the fenced in area for the sheep to stay within his boundaries so that they are not eaten by a wolf!

Does this sound like witchcraft to you? Please! This Christian man is leading many astray with these lies about the Vaticanus Codex and teaching the servants of YHWH to eat the lies served up by this woman Jezebel, the Vatican!

The 4 letters in the Heavenly Father's name YHWH = Yod, Hey, Waw, (Vav) Hey mean the following:

Yod = Right Hand of Power (Yeshua) = 10

Hey = Breath, Spirit, Wind (the Father breathed into Adam the breath of life) = 5

Vav or Waw = the nail = 6

Hey = Breath, Spirit, Wind (the Holy Spirit brings us to the Father through the Son) = 5

The Father's name Y H W H adds up to 26.

2 + 6 = 8

If the name of the son, Yeshua Messiah = 888, and in him "dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" this means that the Father's name adding up to 8, but the Son's name adding up to 888 is the fulness of the Revelation of the Father through the power of the resurrection (symbolized by the number 3).

On the 6th day in Genesis 1, YHWH created both man and BEAST!

So now we have greater understanding of what Revelation 13:18 means! If the Son's number is the fulness of the Father's number by giving it three witnesses, then the Beast's number (6) is fully expressed in the "Image of the Beast" (the Antichrist).

Where do we "get wisdom from"?

1 Chronicles 22:12 Only YHWH give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the Torah (instructions, law) of YHWH thy Elohim (God).

Ezra 7:25 And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy Elohim(God), that is in thine hand, set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the Torah of thy Elohim (God); and teach ye them that know them not.

Wisdom comes from knowing Torah! The instructions of YHWH gives us wisdom! And so Revelation 13:18 is telling us "let he that has wisdom count the number of the beast..."

Where do we find the wisdom to discern who the Beast is? Torah!

In the divine code of Torah, there is a numberic value for every single Hebrew Letter used. Each single Hebrew Letter in Torah spells out a picture of Messiah! He is all over the pages of Torah!

In Genesis 1:27-31, YHWH created man and Beast on the 6th day. So what is the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet?

Vav or Waw in ancient Paleo = the nail, the numeric value = 6

Yeshua is the "nail" that connect us to the Father in Heaven. But Satan is a counterfeiter and he wants to be the "nail" or the mediator between God & Man. That is why one of the official titles for a Pope is "Pontifex Maximus" meaning "The Ultimate Bridge" in Latin. And who is the true "bridge" between God & Man? It is Yeshua! He is the only MEDIATOR or the only NAIL between God & Man!

The number of the Beast = 666

I am the nail, I am the nail, I am the nail.

Who crucified the Lord of Glory?

1 Corinthians 2:7-9

7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:

8 Which none of the princes of this world, knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Who are these principalities who "crucified the Lord of glory"? They are Satan's fallen angels! And what beast was more subtle than any other beast in the garden?

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast, of the field which YHWH Elohim had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Beast = Serpent = Satan

And who did the Serpent, Satan, the Beast use to crucify the "Lord of glory"?


And who else did Satan use to "crucify the Lord of glory?"

Apostate Judaism!

In the days of Elijah the prophet, Queen Jezebel (the foreign woman) married an Israeli King, Ahab. Ahab, handed over his authority to his wife Jezebel, and allowed her to run the show. In the book of Kings, we read about a man named "Naboth the farmer" and this man owned a vineyard that Ahab wanted. But instead of killing the man himself, he used his wife (the foreign woman) to do the dirty work for him. Now does this sound familiar? Do you remember the parable that Yeshua taught about the heavenly Father owning a vineyard and he sent his son to reap the fruit of his vineyard? (Mark 12:1-7)

This is what happened in the days when Yeshua was nailed to the tree. Satan used the Jewish Sanhedrin, the Israeli Governing powers (like Ahab) and they had Rome (the foreign woman) like Jezebel to do their dirty work for them. Rome is the one who killed the "heir" (Yeshua) of his father's vineyard, just as Jezebel had Naboth killed for Ahab!

This is exactly what his happening today in Israel! Back in 1993, Shimon Perez (like Ahab) handed over Jerusalem to Pope John Paul II (just as Queen Jezebel, the foreign woman) and hence the Vatican today is the one who owns Jerusalem!

In 1993 Shimon Peres handed Jerusalem over to Pope John Paul II. To this day Jerusalem is actually owned by the Vatican! To read more about this, go to my other article entitled "The Abomination of Desolation Getting Closer!"


The Beast = Satan

The Image of the Beast = The "Visible Image of Jesus Christ on earth" according to Vatican doctrine = the Pope (Pappas or Father in Latin)

The Woman = The Vatican

And what illustration do we see above? We have the pagan trinity!

The Beast = Satan (Nimrod)

The Image of the Beast = The Papacy (reincarnation of Nimrod, Tammuz)

The Woman = Nimrod's Wife/Mother, Semiramis (the false Mother Harlot Church)

And who are the 10 horns of this Beast? Horns represent "political powers" and they are ruled or governed by "Princes" or "principalities." In Daniel 10, we get an understanding of how this works. The Angel Gabriel tells Daniel that it is Michael who stands for the nation of Israel. Gabriel tells Daniel that each new Empire (Horn) is ruled by a corresponding Principality that has the same name as the Empire. Hence, the "Prince of Persia," the "Prince of Grecia" etc.

What about the Islamic nations? Are they horns? Or are they the Beast? The Beast is Satan, but his "image" is the one who declares this title "visible image of Jesus Christ on earth." Where does Islam play a role in all of this? The Islamic nations are the horns of Persia, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt etc. But remember that the horns are not the Beast. The horns are the political powers who are on the Beast, but these are not the Beast. In Zechariah 1:19-21, we are shown "Four Horns" or political powers who have all scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem. These are: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia. Are these nations now predominantly Islamic in their religion? Yes! But does this make them the Beast? No!

The 10 horns on the Beast are the nations that are ruled by this Beast (Satan) and these nations all come to "worship" Satan's visible image of "Christ" on earth (the Antichrist), the Pope. See the nations of the earth (the horns) worshiping Satan's Visible Image here in this video:


The Latin word for Pope is "Pappas" meaning "Father" but is the Pope our Father?

Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

In other words, Satan wants man to worship himself by trying to create a false Triune God who creates his own image of God!

2nd Thessalonians 2:

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Now we have wisdom in knowing what the number 666 means!

666 = man of sin, man of sin, man of sin

Yeshua warned us that if any man adds to the words of the book of Revelation YHWH will add to him all the plagues that are written in the book of Revelation! If any man subtracts from the words in the book of Revelation, then YHWH will remove his name from the book of life!

Revelation 22:

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

The Vatican has removed the WISDOM OF TORAH in how to COUNT THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST, 666!

Gematria is not witchcraft! Gematria is the wisdom of Torah!

Why is the Vatican trying to hide the true identity of the Beast & the numbers 666? Why are they circulating this lie from the "Vaticanus Codex" about the name "Allah" in Revelation 13:18?

What Are the Names of Blasphemy?

Revelation 13:1 gives us the clue as to what the “characteristics” of the “Beast” are: “and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."

We can see by the illustration below that the “name of blasphemy” is upon the “heads” of the Popes or Kings. On each and every Pope’s “Mitre” is inscribed this title in Latin: VICARIUS FILII DEI:

The word "Anti" in Greek means "Substitute" hence the term "Anti Christ" means "Substitute for Christ."

The official title of a Pope is VICAR OF CHRIST = SUBSTITUTE FOR CHRIST!

This also adds up to 666 as you can see from the charts below.

No matter how you slice it, all of the official titles for Popes = 666!


Latin: DVX CLERI- Translated means Captain of the Clergy
DVX CLERI (Captain of the Clergy)

D 500
V 5
X 10

C 100
L 50
E 0
R 0
I 1
Total = 6 6 6

REX LATINVS SACERDOS (King of the Roman priests)

R 0
E 0
X 10

L 50
A 0
T 0
I 1
N 0
V 5
S 0

S 0
A 0
C 100
E 0
R 0
D 0
O 500
S 0
Total = 6 6 6

Latin: LVDOVICVS translated means Vicar of the Court
LVDOVICVS (Vicar of the Court)

L 50
V 5
D 500
O 0
V 5
I 1
C 100
V 5
S 0
Total = 6 6 6

*Note: Greek: The numeric equivalents of Greek letters can be found in the Encyclopedia Britannica under “Languages of the World” in Table # 8

I Protera (tenth “first of two”)

I 10
P 80
R 100
O 70
T 300
E 5
R 100
A 1
Total = 6 6 6

*NOTE: Latin is the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. Church Documents are usually published first in Latin, and then translated from the Latin into other languages. The association of “Lateinos” with 666 was first suggested by Irenæus (ca. 130-202 A.D.) who proposed in his “Against Heresies” that it might be the name of the fourth kingdom in Daniel 7:7.

Then also Lateinos has the number six hundred and sixty-six; and it is a very probable [solution], this being the name of the last kingdom [of the four seen by Daniel]. For the Latins are they who at present bear rule: I will not, however, make any boast over this [coincidence].

Source: Against Heresies, by Irenæus, Book 5, chapter 30, paragraph 3. St. Irenaeus biography online at the New Advent Catholic Supersite.

Greek: The ancient Greek for “The Latin Kingdom” is HE LATINE BASILEIA.

BASILEIA is Strong's #G932 ) HE LATINE BASILEIA (The Latin Kingdom)

H 0
E 8

L 30
A 1
T 300
I 10
N 50
E 8

B 2
A 1
S 200
I 10
L 30
E 5
I 10
A 1
Total = 6 6 6

Greek: The ancient Greek for “Italian Church” is ITALIKA EKKLESIA. (EKKLESIA is Strong's # G1577 )


I 10
T 300
A 1
L 30
I 10
K 20
A 1

E 5
K 20
K 20
L 30
E 8
S 200
I 10
A 1
Total = 6 6 6

And in Greek the word APOSTATES

A 1
P 80
O 70
ST 6
A 1
T 300
E 8
S 200
Total = 6 6 6

Hebrew: The numeric equivalents of Hebrew letters can be found in the Encyclopedia Brittanica under “Languages of the World ”, Table 50. ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom

ROMIITH (Roman Kingdom)

R 200
O 6
M 40
I 10
I 10
TH 400
Total = 6 6 6

Hebrew: And the Hebrew ROMITI, or the Roman Man

ROMITI (Roman Man)

R 200
O 6
M 40
I 10
T 400
I 10
Total = 666

By the way... there is one more name that = 666.

Satan in Greek = TEITAN

TEITAN (Satan)

T 300
E 5
I 10
T 300
A 1
N 50
Total = 6 6 6

Latin: The Vatican refers to itself often as...SANCTA LVX (LUX) DEI
(Holy light of God)

S 0
A 0
N 0
C 100
T 0
A 0

L 50
V 5
X 10

D 500
E 0
I 1
Total = 6 6 6

If you remove all the letters that do not have numeric values, you are left with... SANTAE. If you slide the “N” to the right two spaces like you can in the name “SANTA” you will end up with, “SATANE” The word SATANE = SATAN in LATIN!

At this website, you will find more prophetic fulfilments about the Mother of Harlots:


Revelation 18:4 "....Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

dancing on the light

dancing on the light
Originally uploaded by chri.spins (Happy Everything :-))

Song Of Solomon 2:1

My Mother - in - Law knows what this is called . We went to Westgate for the day . I think her and my wife are training for the world talking championships. Never found out!

My Mother - in - Law knows what this is called . We went to Westgate for the day . I think her and my wife are training for the world talking championships. Never found out!
Originally uploaded by john47kent (Merry Christmas)

Song Of Solomon 2:1

Flower and Sky II

Star of Jerusalem Aaron s Beard Roses at Sharon
Song Of Solomon 2:1

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon
Originally uploaded by algo

Song Of Solomon 2:1

Monday, December 21, 2009

Age of Acoountability 21--


Shabbat isn't Saturday and Sunday, it is Friday and Saturday. Time doesn't turn counterclockwise. The World isn't flat. The sun rises in the east and Shabbat is Fri Sunset to Sa Sunset beginning in the Middle East. Sabbath all over the world is over by Saturday at sundown. There is not a Sabbath on the eighth day for anyones rest from their labor.

Age of 21 for the Savior and His day of reasoning during Hanukkah?
The age of Accountability for the Jewish nation was not until after the death of the Messiah. Kephas was called a devil because he could not perceive of the Messiah's final tribute until THE SOVEREIGN YAHUSHA BEN DAUID HA MESSIAH died for all the sins of all mankind and released the pouring out of the Qodesh Rauch, Holy Spirit, to all nations. Then the Messiahs Apostles received of the gifts of the Spirit and were saved and able to minister to all nations.

There are not any sunsets at midnight Greenwich time

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hanukkah Birthday For Yahusha Chinese style

The Conception of Yeshua on Chanukkah or the Reincarnation of Nimrod on Christmas? Which One Should You Celebrate?

Courtesy of


Saturday, 28 November 2009 at 23:12
© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance Ministry
September 2002

The Conception of Yeshua or the Reincarnation of Nimrod?
Which One Should You Celebrate?
By Maria Merola
I AM,Yah,Yahweh,Yahuah,Yahshua,Yahushua,Shabbat,menorah

Today in the American Christian Church, there is an outcry to end the shedding of the innocent blood of unborn babies. We hold rallies, prayer vigils, solemn assemblies, and we go to Capital Hill attempting to lobby against abortion. We write letters to congressmen and legislators, we fast, pray, and weep for the condition of the nation, and yet to no avail. Why? After all of these years since Roe vs Wade, why have we continued to see abortion in our land and the blood guilt of the innocent babies is still very much upon this nation with judgment looming?

Well the answer is quite simple. The Christian Church is "barking up the wrong tree." We have tried to end abortion through the political arenas and it has not worked! Back in 2005, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said this: "Maria, when the Christian Church in America repents as a whole for the Pagan Holidays offered up to Molech (i.e. Christmas, Easter etc), then I will cause abortion to end in the land."

Those who profess to be in covenant relationship with YHWH must see that judgment begins with us---not the secular government!

1st Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

If we want to see "revival" in America and if we want YHWH to cleanse the land of "blood guilt" from all of the crimes of abortion and other crimes against innocent blood, then we must get to the very "root" of the spiritual stronghold of Jezebel's religion in America.

The Apostle Paul warned that we cannot "mix" the Passover Table Laws of YHWH with the Pagan Table customs of Jezebel and demons.

Before we can walk in the same anointing that rested on Elijah the prophet and John the Baptist, we must first overthrow Jezebel’s Table of Devils:

1st Corinthians 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of YHWH, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of YHWH's table, and of the table of devils.

In order for us as a body of Believers in Messiah to walk in the end time anointing of Elijah, we must first understand the confusion and mixture of “Jezebel’s Table” and be able to identify it so that we can overthrow it in the church. Only then will we be able to deal with the surface issues of sexual immorality and abortion in our land. We must get to the “spiritual root” before we can deal with the sin issues which stem from this pagan religion of Jezebel in the church today.

1st Kings 18:19 Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves (Asherah) four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.

The Apostle Paul was speaking of the Passover table laws in the Torah and warning the church that we cannot “mix” pagan table customs with God’s Passover Table laws. We cannot mix the pagan holidays offered up to devils with the Holy Days of YHWH.

Yeshua warned us in Revelation 2:20 not to even “suffer” or tolerate this religion of Jezebel in the church:

Revelation 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

So what is this religion that the prophet Elijah stood up against so vehemently in Israel? What caused them to nick-name him “The Troubler of Israel”?

Here is where it all got started:

About 2,900 years before the birth of Messiah, Noah’s great grandson, Nimrod built the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10:10, 11:9).

Nimrod married his mother Semiramis, and together, they built the Babylonian Empire which combined their pagan religion with their form of government. They worshiped the stars, sun, and the moon, and they sacrificed their babies to Molech. Noah's son Shem was so angry about this, that he had Nimrod killed and his body parts were delivered to different provinces within Babylon as a warning to those who worshipped Molech aka Satan.

Nimrod’s wife/mother wanted to keep this false pagan religion alive in order to keep the money coming in. She consulted her astrologers who told her that on December 22nd the sun is the furthest away from the earth, but on December 25th, the sun is “born again.” This is known as the “winter solstice” in paganism. Semiramis became pregnant on March 25th (Easter/Ishtar), which is called the spring equinox in paganism. She told the Babylonian people that Nimrod was the god of the sun, and that he impregnated her, with the rays of the sun.

Exactly 9 months later on December 25th, she gave birth to a son and named him Tammuz. She told the Babylonians that Tammuz was a reincarnation of Nimrod the “sun god” born on December 25th and that she was the “goddess of the moon” or the “Queen of Heaven.” Today the Roman Catholic Church officially named “Mary/Miriam” (the mother of Yeshua) “Queen of Heaven” after this pagan fertility goddess.

Semiramis ordered the Babylonians to go into the forest and cut down a tree and decorate it with little balls (which were meant to be Nimrod’s testicles) to commemorate Nimrod who was “cut down” like a tree. God hates this practice which is why he warned the children of Israel not to learn this custom from the pagans.

Jeremiah 10:

1 Hear ye the word which YHWH speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

2 Thus saith YHWH, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; (astrology) for the heathen are dismayed at them.

3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not.

And today, Christ Mass trees are erected supposedly in the name of Jesus, but this practice was started long before Jesus ever came to earth. Did God change his mind now? No, he still hates it and he says “learn NOT the ways of the heathen...”

God rebuked the children of Israel for worshipping this Queen of Heaven who is called by various names i.e. Venus, Isis, Diana, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Easter, Astoreth, Catholic “Mary” etc.

Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

Pictured above is the Universal Mother goddess known as "The Queen of Heaven" (Semiramis) holding her baby son Tammuz born December 25th. Should we assimilate our Messiah to this pagan deity?

Listen to what YHWH says about it:

Deuteronomy 12:

29 When YHWH your Elohim cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land,

30 take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’

31 You shall not worship YHWH your Elohim in that way;
for every abomination to YHWH which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.

Did you get this? Let me paraphrase what Yah is saying: "Don't learn to worship me the same way that the heathen nations worship their gods and then say that you are doing it for me----it is an abomination!"

To those who would say: "We can take back the pagan holidays for Jesus" or to those who would say "Let's put Christ back in Christmas..." He does not have any affiliation to Christmas and he never did. There is a very sinister reason behind why December 25th was chosen as the alleged birthday of our Messiah. The Papacy in 538 A.D. made Christmas official Roman Catholic Doctrine for no other reason than to have political correctness with the pagans.

Trying to put our beloved Messiah into "Christmas" is like erecting a life size statue of your ex-lover's private parts right in front of your spouse at the foot of your marriage bed and then saying "honey look what I made for you...."

YHWH hates the fact that his backsliding whoring wife Israel went after her Ba'als and today he sees the Christian Church doing the identical thing and he wants these reminders out of his face!

Pictured here are all of the many "Christs" or false Messiah's since the days of Nimrod, and they are all reincarnated on December 25th and crucified on March 25th (Ishtar/Easter).

Yah is telling us that he does not want us to worship him the same way that the pagans worship their gods and then say "we are doing it for you, Jesus" he says this is an abomination!

Yah was also very angry with the children of Israel for worshipping this pagan sun god named Tammuz born December 25th:

Ezekiel 8:

5 Then said he unto me, Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the north, and behold northward at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry.

13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do.

14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of YHWH's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.

15 Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.

16 And he brought me into the inner court of YHWH's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of YHWH, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.

The Image of Jealousy

The Image of Jealousy that YHWH hates is also called "An Egyptian Obelisk" (Ezekiel 8:5).It is the image of Nimrod's Penis. This is what the Christmas Tree represents. It is Nimrod's Penis decorated with little balls that are representations of his testicles.

The Biblical Cyclopedia, by McClintock and Strong, says: “Even the spires of churches are symbols retained from the old phallic worship” (“Phallus,” vol. VIII, p. 55).

Thomas Inman, in his book Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism, writes that ancient fertility rites and phallic worship resulted in the setting up of various architectural structures such “as we now see towers or spires before our churches, and minarets before mosques” (p. XXII). This is sufficient evidence that our churches should not be adorned with such symbols and that they should have no connection to the worship of God.

As I did more research on steeples I discovered that in paganism they would cut the tops of trees off in the forest and make “phallic” symbols. In the Bible, God called these “groves”.

In the New King James Version the word “Asherah” is used for “groves.” Asherah is the Phoenician “goddess of love” also known as Venus in Rome (aka “Mary” to Catholics). The word “Asherah” in Hebrew means “groves”, yet it comes from the root word “ashar” meaning “straight or erect” hence the phallic symbol or obelisk. “an image of the male reproductive organ.”

Rome is the city with the greatest number of obelisks in the world. There are no less than 19 spires to be found in city squares or in gardens belonging to noble mansions.

St. Peter’s Square is adorned with Rome’s most famous obelisk without hieroglyphs. It is 25.5 meters (83 feet) tall, although with the high base and the bronze crest at the top it measures some 15 meters more.

The Obelisk in St. Peter's Square lies between the double colonnade and was brought to Rome from Heliopolis. Emperor Caligula had it brought here in 37 AD, to be used as a decoration for what a few years later would have been known as Nero's Circus. Since St. Peter's was founded by the remains of this circus, for a very long time the obelisk stood by the side of the basilica.

Once again we see the “worship of nature” evident here, as Wiccans and witches use these to summon the powers of “nature” yet they are unaware that they are summoning Satan’s power.

Steeples are Phallic symbols and YHWH tells us to destroy them:

Exodus 34:13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves…

Deuteronomy 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.

Jeremiah 43:13 He shall break also the images of Bethshemesh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire. (KJV)

Jeremiah 43:13 He shall break the obelisks of Heliopolis, which is in the land of Egypt, and the temples of the gods of Egypt he shall burn with fire.
(English Standard Version)

Here in the English Standard Version the phrase “Obelisk of Heliopolis” is specified.

Child Mass Services to Molech

Pictured here is the half man half horned animal god known as Molech. December 25th was the day that this deity required that children were sacrificed on the altar to him! Why December 25th? Because this is known in paganism as "the winter solstice" and it is supposedly the best time to offer up babies to Satan because the sun is being "reborn." Satan wants to be the brightest star in the solar system, and he wants to be called "The Sun" even though in Malachi 4:2 our Messiah Yeshua, is called "the Sun of Righteousness."

The people of Babylon would make a "wish list" for Molech and then they would place their babies to be burned alive into the arms of this god Molech along with their wish list, and they believed that by offering up their babies to this god on December 25th, they would receive everything that they had requested on their wish list in the year to come.

The image of Molech was a giant statue made of iron. Underneath this image was an oven, and it was stoked with wood until it became bright red. The image resembled today's modern day "Satan Claws" (Santa Clause) and people are still "offering up their children" to Molech the god of prosperity and materialism when they ignorantly allow their children to sit on the lap of the image of Santa/Satan.

The word "mass" in English comes from a Latin word that is defined as follows: "a considerable assemblage, number, or quantity: a mass of troops,the masses, the ordinary or common people as a whole; the working classes or the lower social classes." The word later on became associated with "mass murder" as in "massacre." Hence the word "mass" is applied as follows: "pertaining to, involving, or affecting a large number of people: mass unemployment; mass migrations; mass murder."

How did we derive the term "Christ Mass"? It stems from the perpetual sacrifice of our Messiah Yeshua supposedly at every Catholic "Mass":

"Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches. The sacrament of the Eucharist."

Every time we say "Merry Christ Mass" we are declaring that we are "Merry" about the "Mass Murder" of our Messiah on millions of altars in Catholic Churches across the globe on a daily basis! Roman Catholicism teaches that Jesus/Yeshua must be crucified over and over again daily at each and every Mass. They teach that his once and for all sacrifice on the cross was not sufficient to atone for sin!

This very same Babylonian religion originated at the Tower of Babel, and was carried over into other cultures under different names. In Egypt she was known as Isis, Queen of Heaven and Tammuz was known as Horus. Nimrod was known as Seb.

The Egyptian priests placed these initials I H S of the pagan trinity (Isis, Horus & Seb) on a round wafer to commemorate the sun god and they ate it each year on December 25th believing that the sun god was being reincarnated in them as they ate this wafer god. They re-enacted the death of Nimrod on a "tree" on March 25th (Easter) and believed he would be reincarnated on December 25th. This re-enactment was called a “Mass” or Massacre.

Today, these same initials of I H S appear on the Catholic Eucharist Wafer. The Catholic Catechism teaches that the priest has the power to pull Christ down from his throne and crucify him again and again at each Mass. The Catechism states concerning Christ:

“At each mass, he performs the function of the victim anew...”

The Catholic Trinity secretly disguises a different trinity than what most Christians believe in:

The Pope as the “Holy Father”, Jesus as the pagan sun god (reincarnation of Tammuz), and Mary as the Holy Spirit, hence Isis (Mary) Horus (Jesus) Seb (Pope/Father).

Above is the original "Trinity" of the Father Nimrod, the Mother Semiramis, and the Son Tammuz. The Roman Emperor Constantine borrowed this pagan myth and assimilated it to our Messiah. He renamed Nimrod "the Holy Father" (every Pope is supposedly a reincarnation of Nimrod the sun god). The title "Pope" in Latin is Pappas meaning "Father." He renamed Semiramis "Mary" or the Holy Spirit. He renamed Tammuz "J'Zeus."

Chanukkah: The Re-Dedication of YHWH's Temple

About 164 years before Messiah came to earth, there was a Greek-Syrian dictator known as Antiochus. Antiochus went into the Jewish temple and set up an abominable image of Zeus the pagan sun god on December 25th and claimed that he was a reincarnation of Zeus on December 25th. He gave himself the title “Epiphanies” which in Greek means “God Manifest” as he claimed that he was a reincarnation of “God” on December 25th.

Interestingly, the word “Epiphanies” adds up to 666 in the Greek alphabet. Antiochus was a precursor to the final Antichrist that will come before the second coming of Yeshua Messiah. The original name of Jesus was Yeshua, which is what his parents named him. Yeshua literally means “he shall save.”

When the angel Gabriel appeared to Miriam (Mary) the mother of Yeshua, he did not tell her to give him a Greek name. Gabriel said to name him Yeshua “for he shall save” his people.

Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Whose Birthday Are You Really Celebrating? J'Zeus or Yeshua?

The Greeks called their supreme deity “Zeus” but when they were receiving Yeshua as their Messiah in the 1st Century, they began placing a letter “Y” in front of Zeus as Y’Zeus since Yah is the Hebrew name for the self-existent eternal God. From Y'Zeus, Ieosus became the Greek way to spell Yeshua. Later on when the English translations of the Bible went into print, a new letter was added to the alphabet---the letter “J” and it was meant to sound like the “Y” sound. From there J’Zeus or Ieosus/Jeosus in Greek was the transliteration for Yeshua. The Greek transliteration of Yeshua was supposed to sound like “Yeosus” or Ieosus but as time went on in American culture, the letter “J” began to take on the pronunciation of the letter “G.” Hence today, the name Jesus sounds more like "Geezus" than the Greek "Yaysoos" or the Hebrew Yeshua. "Geezus" means nothing to people living in Israel or Hebrew speaking people. But Yeshua is his real name given to him by his heavenly Father.

In 164 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanies sacrificed a pig on the altar of sacrifice in the Jewish Temple, and he outlawed the holy feasts of YHWH from Leviticus 23 as he persecuted the Jewish people. He burned all of the Torah scrolls he could find and he would not allow the Jewish people to obey the commandments of YHWH. He forced them to eat pork against their will and he forced them to worship him instead as the reincarnation of Zeus on December 25th and if they did not, they were executed.

During the days when Antiochus persecuted the Jews, there was a Jewish man by the name of Judah Maccabees. He and his sons began a revolt and they took back YHWH’s temple and cleansed it.

Even though it is not recorded in the book of Maccabees, there is a legend within Judaism which says that when Judah Maccabees and his sons cleansed the temple, they only had enough olive oil to light the menorah for one day, but miraculously YHWH allowed it to stay lit for 8 days. Whether or not this is true I will not speculate, but we don’t have any historical proof of this. I certainly can see that an eight day miracle was something that could've happened because of the prophetic symbolism of the number 8. But I don't believe that we should change the seven branch temple Menorah to a nine branch "Hanukkiah."

The number “eight” in biblical prophecy symbolizes “New Beginnings.” This number signified “Dedication” because on the 8th day, a Jewish baby boy is dedicated in the temple and circumcised. The Hebrew word for dedication is “Chanukkah” and hence this is how the holiday of Chanukkah originated.

About 160 years after the Maccabean Revolt, Miriam/Mary conceived Yeshua on Chanukkah in 4 B.C. on December 13th. This can be calculated precisely through scripture by knowing the date of John the Baptist’s birth from Luke chapter 1. John the Baptist’s father Zechariah was a priest in the temple and of the division of Abijah. In the book of 2nd Chronicles we find out that King David had divided up the priesthood into 24 courses annually. There were 24 priests and each one would serve for 2 weeks throughout the year. Zechariah, being of the division of Abijah, would serve in the Jewish month of Sivan (June on our calendar). Zechariah went home to his wife Elizabeth and she conceived immediately following his temple duty according to the words of Gabriel.

A man named Roy Reinhold found several Bible Code Matrices in Proverbs 15 which supports the research of Ernest L. Martin as seen by the Bible Code illustrations below:


Bible Code Matrix of Yeshua's Birth
by Roy A. Reinhold February 1, 2001

Counting forward 271 days for a normal gestation, John the Baptist was born on Passover. Luke 1 tells us that Mary conceived Yeshua in the 6th month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. So we can count 180 days forward from Passover that year in 3 B.C. and Yeshua was born on September 11th in 3 B.C. on a Holy Feast called “Yom Teruah” or “Day of Trumpets.”

A book entitled “The Star That Astonished the World” by Dr. Ernest L. Martin shows the planetary alignment which occurred that year when Yeshua was born.

The entire book can be downloaded free online and the radio interviews and lectures are also available here:


A Flashplayer movie can be seen at the link below detailing the astrological events that took place the night of Yeshua's b birth as seen on MSNBC:


Revelation 12:

1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered…

5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

On no other day except on September 11th in 3 B.C. do we see this planetary alignment taking place. On this day and never before this date nor ever again after, has this constellation been seen. It was “Virgo” the virgin” or “Bethulah” (in Hebrew), and she had 12 stars around her head (for the twelve tribes of Israel), and the moon was under her feet. The sun was “mid-body” and so she was “clothed with the sun” and she was giving birth to “Ariel” the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This happened at no other time in history except on this date which was a holy day in which God already commanded Israel to “keep forever” and this day is called Yom Teruah, a “memorial of blowing trumpets” because YHWH was “announcing” the arrival of his son into the world with trumpets and shouting!

*Note: The Constellations were created by YHWH (Job 9:9, Job 38:31, Amos 5:8)for the purpose of illustrating the gospel message, but Satan has perverted the Zodiac for his own use and he wants people to worship the stars (fallen angels) and to consult them for divination and fortune telling which is an abomination (see Deuteronomy 18:10-11).


Bible Code Matrix of Yeshua's Circumcision (Brit Milah at the Temple)
by Roy A. Reinhold February 1, 2001

Yeshua was born on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) and then eight days later, he was circumcised in the temple just before Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). The prophetic significance of this would make sense since having the "foreskin" removed is symbolic of the heart being circumcised and the "veil" or foreskin of one's heart is removed granting us a "face to face" encounter with YHWH. The Feast called "Yom Kippur" or the Day of Atonement is otherwise known as "Face to Face" because at the future return of Messiah when he sees his bride "face to face" this will take place on Yom Kippur (Revelation 19), and this is when the groom removes the "veil" from her face and she will finally see him as he is. The "veil" in the temple was torn from top to bottom at the exact moment that Yeshua died on the cross, granting us access to the "Holy of Holies" to have intimate or "face to face" fellowship with YHWH. And so it is significant that Yeshua would've been circumcised on this day known as "Face to Face" because even Simeon declared in the temple that hiss eyes had seen the Messiah face to face:

Luke 2:

30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,

31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people:

Five days later was the Feast of Tabernacles called “Sukkot” where Mary/Miriam & Joseph would have done what every other Jewish family would have done which is to “dwell in a succah.” The Hebrew word for tabernacle is “succah” which means a stable or a manger.

By counting 271 days backwards from Yom Teruah, September 11th in 3 B.C. we come to the exact date of Chanukah in 4 B.C. This means that the incarnation of Yeshua Messiah took place on Chanukah!


Bible Code Matrix of Yeshua's Conception/Incarnation
by Roy A. Reinhold February 1, 2001

Our Messiah Celebrated Chanukkah

Yeshua considered this to be an important holy day and he celebrated the re-dedication of his Father’s house on Chanukkah:

John 10: 22-23 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, (Chanukkah) and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.

Some people would try to rationalize that because Chanukkah is not mentioned as one of the "appointed feasts" of YHWH in Leviticus 23, that it is pagan. They try to say that Yeshua was in the temple but that does not mean that he was keeping the Feast of Dedication (Chanukkah).

My answer to those who would say this is this:

"Yeshua had the foresight to know that his being there in the temple on Chanukkah would be recorded in the book of John, and he would never have given even the appearance of evil. He would not have been there knowing full well that those in the future would read about it in John 10:22, and then come to the conclusion that he was celebrating it if there was something pagan or evil about it."

It was important to Yeshua because it commemorated the re-dedication of his Father's House!

In 325 A.D., Constantine a Roman Emperor, in an attempt to unify the Roman Empire, combined this same pagan religion from Babylon with so-called Christianity. Constantine worshiped “Mithra” the pagan sun god born December 25th. He believed he could bring unity to Rome by keeping this pagan religion and combining it with Christianity. So he wrote the Edict of Milan and he dis-fellowshipped the Jewish believers in Yeshua/Jesus.

Constantine did not remove the pagan statues from the pagan temples but instead he gave them “Christian” names. He named Venus “Mary” and he named Sol the pagan sun god “Jesus.”

He wrote:

“…the Jews are dogs and the Christians should have nothing to do with the Jews…God has shown us a better way…”

He outlawed Passover and enforced “Easter” in its place for the Babylonian goddess Ishtar/Semiramis. He also outlawed Sabbath and enforced it on Sunday for the sun god instead. He had believers in Messiah killed who kept these feasts of YHWH from Leviticus 23 that the Jewish Apostles and Yeshua also kept.

In the 5th Century, the Catholic Church officially made Christ Mass on December 25th the official date for celebrating the birth of Messiah because of Constantine’s influence.

Constantine was the first Pope historically giving himself the title “Pontifex Maximus” which is still to this day the official title of a Pope. This literally means "The Ultimate Bridge" between God and Man! In other words, the word "Pontiff" means "bridge" as every Pope purports to be the bridge or mediator between God and Man just like Yeshua/Jesus!

The word “pope” means “father” in Latin and Jesus said “call no man upon the earth your father, for there is one who is your father...”

So where does the term “Christ Mass” have it’s origin? The Catholic Mass is a Massacre of Christ where he is being crucified all over again according to Catholic dogma.

When we say “Merry Christ Mass” we are saying “Let’s be Merry about crucifying Jesus afresh...”

But Hebrews 6 tells us “seeing they crucify to themselves the son of God afresh and put him to an open shame...”

If we say “Merry Christ Mass” we are saying that we are merry about putting our Messiah, Yeshua to an open shame!

Why Does Satan Like December 25th for the Birth of Messiah

All of the pagan false Messiahs that we just learned about are supposedly reincarnations of the “Universal Christ” for all religions. In essence, this is “Gnosticism” the false doctrine that teaches that “Jesus Christ did not come in the flesh” but rather, he was merely a reincarnation of all the other pagan gods who came before him on December 25th. This is how Satan is trying to prepare the whole world to accept the Antichrist, by gradually changing the truth into a lie so that even the “elect” could be deceived.

Why do the pagans want to associate the real Yeshua Messiah with the date of December 25th? The answer is quite simple. December 22nd begins the Zodiac cycle of “Capricorn” the “Goat of Mendez” which is also Satan or Baphomet, the “horned god” who is worshiped by Satanists and High Degree Masons. The pagans want us to believe that Jesus Christ was a reincarnation of Lucifer on December 25th the month of “Capricorn the Goat”!

Capricorn is Capricornus a Latin compound of “goat-head.” “Capra” means head in Latin while “cornus” means horn. The original Greek Aegocerus means “goat-horned.”

Why does the Catholic Church believe he must be crucified afresh? Because they teach that Yeshua did not inherit a corruptible physical nature like us, and that he did not crucify the sinful nature on the cross. But Romans 8:3 says that Jesus “came in the likeness of sinful flesh...” so that he could destroy sin in the flesh once and for all!

Romans 6:10 ...For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.

Catholicism teaches that Jesus inherited a sinless divine nature from Mary his mother as they teach that she was born without original sin. This is what is called the “Immaculate Conception.” Most Protestants think this has to do with the virgin birth of Yeshua Messiah, but it does not. The Immaculate Conception is about Mary’s birth supposedly without original sin. And of course this is total blasphemy and a lie.

Mary, although a godly woman was born as a sinner like everyone else and she herself acknowledged her need for Yeshua to save her.

And so this is what is so blasphemous about the Catholic Mass and why we as believers should have nothing to do with saying “Merry Christ Mass.”

1st John 4:3 in the King James Version (other versions deleted this verse) gives us a litmus test for how to “try the spirits” to see whether or not they are from God. It says that “every spirit” which denies or “confesses not” that “Yeshua Messiah is come in the flesh” (with a carnal nature) is from the Antichrist. What does this mean “come in the flesh?” The Greek word for “flesh” in this verse is “sarx” meaning “having a sensual nature.” This means that Yeshua had a corruptible nature physically but not spiritually. His blood came from his Heavenly Father, but his corruptible body came from his mother. Yeshua had to possess both natures in order to be the anointed Savior. He had to have an incorruptible nature spiritually, having blood that was perfect and without sin so as to be the perfect atonement for sin. He had to also possess a corruptible nature physically so that he could put to death “the body of sins” (Colossians 2:11, 1st Peter 2:24, Romans 6:6).

This Catholic Doctrine which says that Mary was born without original sin and that Yeshua did not possess a carnal nature either because of her, is from the Antichrist! Yeshua had to possess a carnal nature in order to destroy sin on the cross once and for all. Yeshua was 100% God and 100% Human at the same time. Although he never sinned, he was “tempted in every way as we are” (Hebrews 4:15).

And so the Catholic Mass is Antichrist doctrine which denies that Yeshua destroyed the carnal sinful nature on the cross once and for all. That is why they teach he must “perform the function of the victim anew at every Mass...”

Now we see how Anti-Christ Christ Mass really is!

If Yeshua is supposedly another reincarnation of all the false pagan Messiah’s born December 25th that have come up through the centuries i.e. Nimrod, Tammuz, Apollo, Zeus, Bacchus, Krishna, etc. then “he is not come in the flesh.” In other words this teaching insinuates that “the Christ” is a consciousness rather than a person! Yeshua/Jesus is the Christ/Messiah fully in the flesh! The Catholic Mass denies this by teaching that he must be crucified over and over again at each Mass.

Today, Christendom has borrowed much of its system from the ancient Babylonian religion of Nimrod and Semiramis, which is why Jesus said in Revelation 18 concerning MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS:

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

In the 1500’s many people obeyed this command and did just what Yeshua commanded here. They left Roman Catholicism and thus began the biggest revival in European history. We call this the Protestant Reformation. Protestant Churches preached against Christ Mass and Easter, and even the Puritans that came over on the Mayflower wanted nothing to do with these pagan days. It was official church doctrine in the Baptist, Presbyterian and many other Protestant Denominations not to observe these Catholic Pagan days known as Christ Mass and Easter. In fact, it was against the law to own a Christ Mass tree in the 1600’s in America!

Only in the past 100 years in America, have these pagan days become popular once again in the Protestant churches. Why?

1st Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.

As we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ/Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, the Bible tells us that many shall depart from the faith of the Jewish Apostles and give heed to doctrines of devils.

Many Jews believe that Jesus was a false pagan Messiah because we Christians have been lying and telling the world that he was born on the same day that Antiochus Epiphanies persecuted them under inspiration of the pagan sun god Zeus on December 25th. They also see that we are celebrating his resurrection on “Easter” which comes one month earlier from Passover on our solar pagan calendar. They view this as a big joke because we claim that Jesus is our “Passover Lamb” yet we celebrate his resurrection one month before Passover according to the corruption of the Roman Papacy who corrupted God’s calendar. No wonder why Jews have a hard time accepting Yeshua as the Messiah, with all of our confusing mixture of Babylonian sun god worship which only serves to distort prophecy.

Jews see December 25th as a day when they were being persecuted for worshiping the one true God YHWH, and they were forced to worship a false Messiah “Zeus” on December 25th.

Yeshua told the woman at the well:

John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

Any Jew knows that YHWH would never allow the Messiah to be born on a pagan sun god day. Any Jew knows that when Messiah comes he will be born on a Holy day of YHWH from Leviticus 23 of which God said “ye shall observe these throughout all your generations…forever…”

Celebrating the Appointed Feasts of YHWH versus the Pagan Days that Commemorate Nimrod

The Holy Feast days of YHWH were never to go away with the New Covenant. All of the pagan sun god worship festivals that we have adopted instead point to the Antichrist, Nimrod, the first impostor to the true Jewish Messiah in history.

We can unveil the true Jewish Messiah by telling the truth that Jesus/Yeshua was born on a Holy Day of YHWH and not on a man-made pagan sun god day.

Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

This verse is often used out of context to justify keeping pagan days, but it is saying just the opposite. We are not to judge those who want to keep the feasts of YHWH from Leviticus 23 that are called “holy” and we are not to judge each other in HOW these holy days are celebrated. This means that we don’t have to sacrifice animals any longer under the new administration of grace. Every believer in Yeshua is now under the royal priesthood of Melchizedek, and so we do not celebrate these feasts in the rabbinical way that they were formerly kept. We are now led by the Holy Spirit in how we keep these holy days. This verse is in no way condoning keeping pagan days, because God never called them holy.

Only when we start associating Yeshua with the Holy Days of YHWH will the Jewish people begin to recognize him as the true Jewish Messiah.

The Jewish people are on God’s top list of priorities. It is a small sacrifice for us as believers to give up man-made traditions in order to win them back:

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Do you remember what Yeshua said concerning Traditions of Men?

Matthew 15:6 Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.

If we want the commandments of YHWH to once again become effective in our lives, we must abandon the “traditions of men.”

The true Spirit of Elijah will always be preceded by the anointing of Moses. We often speak of the coming of Elijah in these last days, but few in the Christian Church realize that before the true anointing of Elijah can come, we must tear down Jezebel’s false pagan customs which turn Jesus into Ba’al. The spirit of Elijah will come when the LAW OF MOSES is once again REMEMBERED.

Malachi 4:

4 Remember ye the Law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YHWH:

The Law of Moses is not “done away with” (Matthew 5:17-19), but rather it has been transferred from stone to “fleshy tables of the heart” (2nd Corinthians 3:3). Under the New Covenant, these same laws given to us in stone through Moses were now given to every believer on the Day of Pentecost (called Shavuot) written upon our minds and hearts (Hebrews 8:10, 10:16).

Before we can see the same fire from heaven as in the days when Elijah offered up the sacrifice on Mount Carmel, we must first follow the same steps that Elijah followed. He did several things in 1st Kings 18 before God consumed the sacrifice:

1.) He repaired the broken down altar. This means that he re-established true biblical worship not patterned after Baal or sun god worship.

2.) He set up 12 stones after the 12 tribes “from whom the word of God came.” This means that he re-established the plum line of the Torah (God’s Law).

3.) He watered the sacrifice “three times” with “four barrels.” This symbolizes three major outpourings of the Holy Spirit in history. The number four symbolizes the “four corners” of the earth or “harvest.” This means that the pattern for true revival will always be preceded by the “washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26). In other words, a return to the scriptures as the plum line and not merely “manifestations.” This means the baptism of repentance (water/word) must precede the baptism in fire (power).

The true fire of the Holy Spirit will consume the body of believers only when these steps are followed. We cannot by-pass the cross of Messiah and repentance. We cannot skip over these steps and run towards the “fire” or we will end up with “strange fire” which will be a counterfeit.

The Testimony of Yeshua

In Revelation 19:10 we read that the “testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy.” We also read in Revelation 12:17 that the dragon will make war with the remnant of Israel’s seed who “keep the commandments” and “have the testimony of Yeshua Messiah.” And lastly we find out in Revelation 22:14 that only those who “do his commandments” may have right to eat from the tree of life, and may enter into the gate of the New Jerusalem!

This being the case, don’t you want to know what the “testimony of Jesus” is? Don’t you want to find out what all of this means so that you may be able to “do the commandments?”

The Holy Feast Days of YHWH are commanded for “all Israel” (not only the house of Judah/Jews) and they are the “Testimony of Jesus” because they declare his testimony as follows:

1.) Passover: The death of Yeshua Messiah on the cross as our Passover Lamb

2.) Feast of Unleavened Bread: The burial of Yeshua Messiah.

3.) First Fruits: Yeshua’s true resurrection day. He went into the lowest parts of the earth and brought before the Father “the first fruits” of men’s souls (Ephesians 4:8; 1st Corinthians 15:20-23; James 1:18; Revelation 14:4).

4.) Feast of Weeks/Pentecost: Yeshua baptized believers in fire and the Holy Spirit as he promised; He also wrote the Torah/Law in our hearts and minds as the sign of the New Covenant.

5.) Feast of Trumpets: Yeshua’s true date of birth on September 11th 3 B.C. the Father “announced his son” with a great sound of a trumpet blast into the world; the future catching away of the bride at the “last trump.”

6.) Day of Atonement: Yeshua announced in the temple on Yom Kippur that he had fulfilled Isaiah 61 as the “anointed one” who was to come. He proclaimed the “acceptable year of the Lord” that year for Israel’s sins had been forgiven because of him; He became the “scapegoat” by taking away sin and took sin out in the wilderness for 40 days, never to return (as far as the east is from the west); (Luke 4:18-21).

7.) Feast of Tabernacles: Yeshua dwelled in the succah or manger with his parents during this eight day feast shortly after his birth. The future consummation of the wedding between Messiah and his bride. He will drink the 4th cup of the Kingdom in the New Millennium and his bride shall "tabernacle" or dwell in peace and safety with him for 1,000 years.

8.) Weekly Sabbath: Yeshua resurrected on Saturday night at sundown (the first day of the week) “three days and three nights after his Wednesday Passover crucifixion and this is why he declared “I am Lord of the Sabbath.” Yeshua will fulfill the Sabbath Millennium 7,000 years from creation as 1,000 years of rest when we receive our new bodies. (2nd Peter 3:8, one day is as one thousand years with the Lord).

The Sabbaths & Feast Days A Sign of Our Covenant with Yeshua

As New Covenant believers who are born again by the Holy Spirit and washed in the blood of the lamb, we are now grafted into the Olive Tree (Israel) according to Romans 11, and we are “part of the commonwealth of Israel” (Ephesians 2:12). Now because we are New Covenant Israel, we are still commanded to keep his “Sabbaths” (Feasts) as a “sign” between us and him forever. This is what sanctifies us and sets us apart from the other pagan religions of the world:

Exodus 31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am YHWH that doth sanctify you.

Ezekiel 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am YHWH that sanctify them.

Ezekiel 20:20 And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am YHWH your God.

Why should we abandon the pagan feasts of Nimrod made to appear “Christian”?

1.) Because they are an abomination to YHWH, and he hates them.

2.) Because they defile us and keep us in deception.

3.) Because they point to another Christ, not the true Messiah of Israel.

4.) Because the Antichrist will mark his own children with the “sign” which are the feasts ordained by the Roman Papacy.

Why should we keep the Feasts of YHWH?

1.) They are a sign between us and him forever.

2.) They declare the testimony of Yeshua/Jesus.

3.) They are called “holy convocations” (rehearsals) of prophetic future events.

YHWH has given us a “sign” of his covenant forever and they are his appointed feasts and Sabbaths. These are what separate us and sanctify us from the other counterfeit religions.


Brown, F., Driver, S.R., and Briggs, C.A. (abbreviated to BDB), A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament.Oxford (Clarendon Press, 1962).
Cassuto, U., A Commentary on the Book of Genesis, 2 vols. (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1964).
Frankfort, H., Kingship and the Gods (Chicago: University Press, 1948).
Heidel, A., The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels (Chicago: University Press, 1963).
Jacobsen, T., The Sumerian Kinglist (Chicago: University Press, 1939).
Josephus, Jewish Antiquities. Books IIII (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, Loeb Classics, 1998).
Kautzsch, E., editor, Genesius' Hebrew Grammar (Oxford: Clarendon, 1910).
Kramer, S. N., editor, History Begins at Sumer (Garden City NY: Doubleday, 1959).
Keil, C. F., and Delitzsch, P. Commentary on the Old Testament, vol. 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975).
Pritchard, J., Ancient Near Eastern Texts and the Old Testament, 3rd edition (Princeton: University Press, 1969).
Roux, G., Ancient Iraq, 3rd edition (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, UK: Penguin, 1992).
Thomas, D.W., Documents From Old Testament Times (New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1958).
Author: Dr. David P. Livingston, Associates for Biblical Research. Originally published in ABR's BIBLE AND SPADE 14.3 (2001), pp. 67-72.

*Footnote:You can learn more about the history of the Babylonian Empire by reading a book entitled "The Two Babylons", by Alexander Hyslop.

Comment: Sold at Torah Zone
By Fossilized Customs Lew White